(A)   The Plan Commission shall establish regulations for the conduct of its business.
   (B)   The Commission is created and established to act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees of the town in order to promote the orderly development of the town and its environs; to improve the present health, safety, convenience, and welfare of the citizens thereof to the end that highway systems be carefully planned; that new community centers grow only with adequate highway, utility, health, educational, and recreational facilities; that the needs of agriculture, industry and business be recognized in future growth; that residential areas provide healthy surroundings for family life; and that the growth of the community is commensurate with and promotive of the efficient and economical use of public funds. In order to carry into effect these objectives, the Commission shall have and exercise all rights, powers, and authority, and shall perform all duties as set forth and defined in §151.20 hereof, and all acts amendatory thereof or which are now or which may become supplemental thereto.
(Ord. 420, passed 4-12-60)
Statutory reference:
   Commission duties and powers, see IC 36-7-4-400 et seq.