§ 151.21  MEMBERS; TERMS.
   (A)   The Town Plan Commission shall consist of seven members, of which the Board of Trustees of the town shall appoint three members who shall be persons in the town government.  The President of the Board of Trustees shall appoint four citizen members of the Commission, not more then two of whom shall be members of the same political party. 
   (B)   The citizen members shall be appointed for the following terms:  Two for a term of three years and two for a term of four years.  The terms shall expire on the first day of January of the second, third, or fourth year, respectively following their appointment.  Thereafter, as the terms expire, each new member shall be appointed for a term of four years.
(Ord. 420, passed 4-12-60)
Statutory reference:
   Membership of Plan Commission, see IC 36-7-4-207(b)
   Terms of citizen members, see IC 36-7-4-218(a)