(A)   A separate license shall be required for each public vehicle for hire. Each public vehicle for hire shall have one license. In order to be licensed, every vehicle must satisfy the general licensure requirements for public vehicles for hire.
   (B)   To be eligible for licensure as a public vehicle for hire, a motor vehicle must:
      (1)   Be a passenger vehicle;
      (2)   Be designed and constructed to accommodate and transport not more than 15 passengers, including the driver;
      (3)   Have valid Indiana license plates; and
      (4)   Be owned by an applicant eligible to apply for a public vehicle for hire license.
   (C)   Each applicant for a license for a public vehicle for hire shall provide to the Town Building Commissioner the following information concerning the applicant and the vehicle, on an application form provided by the Town Building Commissioner, signed and sworn to by the applicant (or, if the applicant is not an individual, signed and sworn to by one of the individuals about whom information is required by this section):
      (1)   The vehicle’s seating capacity, name of manufacturer, model year, horsepower, vehicle identification number, certificate of title number, color and state license number;
      (2)   The logo (if any) and color scheme that will be used on the vehicle;
      (3)   The applicant’s full name;
      (4)   The applicant’s central office address;
      (5)   The names of all persons other than the applicant who have a financial interest in the vehicle;
      (6)   All governmental entities from which the applicant has previously obtained a license for any public vehicle for hire, and each date and cause for which any such license was ever revoked or suspended; and
      (7)   Such additional information as the Town Building Commissioner deems necessary.
      (8)   As used in this section, “FINANCIAL INTEREST IN A MOTOR VEHICLE” means any portion of any of the legal rights of ownership or any such financial interest in any partnership, corporation or other legal entity having any such financial interest in a motor vehicle. As used in this section, financial interest in a motor vehicle includes, but is not limited to, that interest held by stockholders and officers of corporations or similar business entities having a financial interest in a motor vehicle.
   (D)   Each application shall be accompanied by:
      (1)   A public liability insurance policy or certificate of self-insurance for the vehicle;
      (2)   A certificate of existence from the Indiana Secretary of State, if the applicant is a corporation; and
      (3)   Such additional items as the Town Building Commissioner deems necessary.
   (E)   The Town Building Commissioner shall inspect the vehicle for compliance with the motor vehicle equipment requirements of IC 9-19 and this chapter.
   (F)   If a licensed public vehicle for hire is inspected pursuant to this chapter and found not to comply with the motor vehicle requirements of IC 9-19 or this chapter, any license associated to the vehicle shall be immediately removed from the vehicle and canceled. The Town Building Commissioner shall thereafter re-inspect the vehicle upon the request of the licensee.
(Ord. 2014-10, passed 5-27-14)