(1)   The surface area shall be that area which is enclosed by one rectangle, the sides of which make contact with the extreme points or edges of the sign excluding the supporting structure which does not form part of the sign proper or of the display; or
      (2)   The area of a sign composed of characters or words attached directly to a large, uniform building wall surface and shall be the smallest combination of rectangles which enclose the whole group, including any loops or special symbols.
   "BILLBOARD SIGN." A billboard shall be defined as a sign used to display information or products which are not located on the smae premises as the billboard, regardless of whether or not there is a service fee or rental fee for such a sign.
   "BUILDING FRONTAGE." The linear length of a building facing the right-of-way or the linear length of the right-of-way facing the building, whichever is smaller.
   "BUILDING LINE." The line nearest the front of and across a lot establishing the minimum open space to be provided between the front line of a building or structure and the front lot line.
   "COPY (PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY)." The wording or any graphic illustrations on a sign surface either in permanent or removable letter form.
   "ENCLOSED MALL SHOPPING CENTER." A commercial real estate development comprised of department, retail, or commercial stores, the majority of which stores have entrances facing upon a common enclosed mall. The term "ENCLOSED MALL SHOPPING CENTER" as used herein shall not include free standing buildings located at or about such enclosed mall shopping center.
   "ERECTED." Attached, altered, built, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or moved, and shall include the painting of wall signs and any attached embellishents.
   "HIGH-RISE SIGN." A high-rise sign shall be defined as a sign erected at a minimum height of 50 or more feet above grade level and upon premises of the business being advertised. High-rise signs are permitted along interstate highways only. Other locations are prohibited.
   "LOT." A single parcel of land which meets the following requirements:
      (1)   Part of a properly recorded subdivision; or
      (2)   Duly recorded under the state recording statutes.
   "MAINTAIN" or "MAINTENANCE." The act of permitting a sign, structure, or part of each to continue; or to repair or to refurbish a sign, structure, or part of either.
   "MARQUEE." A permanent roof-like shelter extending from part or all of the building face over a right-of-way (sidewalk) public or private and constructed of some durable material such as metal, glass, plastic, or wood.
   "MULTI-FACED SIGNS." If a sign has two display or advertising surfaces, the area of any face shall be no greater than 100% of the maximum area permitted for a single-faced sign in the particular district. Should a sign have more than two faces, the area of any single face shall be no greater than 50% of the maximum area permitted for a single-faced sign, with a total maximum area no greater than 400 square feet.
   "OWNER." A person recorded as such on official records and including a duly authorized agent, a purchaser, a devisee, or a person having a vested or contingent interest in the property in question as long as written proof of such can be produced upon request.
   "PERSON." Any individual, corporation, association, firm, partnership, and the like, singular or plural.
   "PREMISES." An area of land with its appurtenances and buildings which, because of its unity of use, may be regarded as the smallest conveyable unit of real estate.
   "RIGHT-OF-WAY OR ROADWAY WIDTH." A particular distance across a public or private roadway from property line to property line, such distance being reserved for the movement of vehicles, persons, goods, services. Such right-of-way improvements are in the form of hard surface materials (black-top, cement, and the like) and soft surface (grass, dirt areas, and the like).
   "SIGN." A single- or multi-faced structure or device designed for the purpose of informing or attracting the attention of persons not on the premises on which the structure or device is located.
   "SIGN, ABANDONED." A sign that no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person, advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product, or activiry conducted or product available on the premises where such sign is displayed.
   "SIGN, BANNER." A temporary sign composed of lightweight material either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame, secured, or mounted so as to allow movement of the sign caused by movement of the atmosphere.
   "SIGN, BUSINESS." A sign which directs attention to a business, building, product, activity, or service, manufactured, sold, or offered upon the premises as the primary use where such sign is located.
   "SIGN, DISPLAY." A sign that is located on and is incidental to a display of merchandise.
   "SIGN, ELECTRIC." Any sign containing electric wiring, this includes signs illuminated by an exterior floodlight.
   "SIGN, EXEMPT." Sign exempt from normal permit requirements.
   "SIGN, GROUND." A sign which is supported by one or more uprights or bases in the ground with sign surface mounted above, the maximum height of which shall not exceed four feet above grade level.
   "SIGN, IDENTITY." Any sign or sign structure not permanently affixed or installed and intended for short-term use.
   "SIGN, NONCONFORMING." Signs which were lawful prior to the time this chapter was passed or amended, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted under the terms of this chapter shall be deemed legal nonconforming.
   "SIGN, OFF-PREMISES." A sign identifying or providing directions to a business or organization which is located on premises separate from the location of the sign.
   "SIGN, POLE." A sign which is supported by one or more poles or uprights in the ground with sign surface mounted at a minimum height of nine feet above grade level to the bottom of the sign.
   "SIGN, PORTABLE." A sign which by its design and construction is readly movable from one location to another. Such a sign may be mounted on wheels or on a small trailer frame, or may be mounted on a supportive frame which is designed to sit on top of the ground or to be temporarily staked or tied to the ground.
   "SIGN, ROOF." A sign erected, constructed, and maintained upon the roof of a building.
   "SIGN STRUCTURE." Any structure which supports, has supported, or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative covers, poles, piers, and other structural components.
   "SIGN, WALL." One affixed directly to or painted on or otherwise inscribed on an exterior wall and confined within the limits of any building.
   "SIGN, WINDOW." A sign installed inside a window for purposes of viewing from outside the premises. This term does not inlude merchandise located in a window.
   "STRIP SHOPPING CENTER." A commercial real estate development comprised of four or more retail or commercial stores situated side by side and generally facing a street or highway right-of-way.
   "VEHICLES." Automobiles, trucks, trailers, railroad cars, construction equipment, and other such mobile equipment whose major purpose is other than display of advertising.
(Ord. 1988-10, passed - - )