(A)   Immediately before the actual disconnection of service, the employee of EP&L or the Water Utility designated to perform the disconnection shall have the option to disconnect the service either remotely through electronic means or in person at the subject location. If such services is disconnected in person at the subject location, then the employee shall:
      (1)   Make reasonable attempt to identify himself/herself to the customer or any other responsible person then upon the premises;
      (2)   Announce the purpose of his/her presence;
      (3)   Have in his/her possession information sufficient to enable him/her to inform the customer or other responsible person of the reason for disconnection, including the amount of the customer's delinquent bill;
      (4)   Request from the customer any available verification that the outstanding bill has been satisfied; and
      (5)   Make a record thereof to be maintained for at least 30 days.
   (B)   Upon being presented with credible evidence that the outstanding bill has been satisfied or written documentation from EP&L or the Water Utility addressed to the customer confirming that the outstanding bill is disputed by the customer and is under review by EP&L or the Water Utility, service shall not be disconnected.
   (C)   The utility employee shall not be required to accept payment from the customer or other responsible person in order to prevent the service from being disconnected.
   (D)   When the employee has disconnected electrical or water service, the employee shall give to a responsible person at the customer's residence or, if no one is at home, the employee shall leave at a conspicuous place on the customer's premises a notice stating that service has been disconnected and stating that the customer may arrange to have service reconnected by contacting the Utility Office located at 107 South Holland Street or by telephone at telephone number (812) 526-3514, Option 1, during regular office hours.
   (E)   The EP&L or the Water Utility may assess a disconnection fee to the customer once the disconnection of services is complete.
(Ord. 2014-4, passed 3-24-14; Am. Ord. 2023-10, passed 7-25-23)