For the purpose of this title the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "ARTERIAL STREET." Any street maintained by a government agency other than the city of Edgewood.
   "AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLES." Vehicles of the Fire Department or Police Department, vehicles of the Commonwealth Attorney's office when on official business, and ambulances on an authorized emergency run.
   "BOULEVARD." Any legally designated street at which cross traffic is required to stop before entering or crossing such boulevard.
   "BUSINESS DISTRICT." Any portion of any street between two consecutive intersections in which 50% or more of the frontage on either side of the street is used for business purposes.
   "CLASS A STREET." Any city street to which there is direct driveway access from more than 15 separate lots or parcels of improved real estate.
   "CLASS B STREET." Any city street to which there is direct driveway access from less than 16 separate lots or parcels of improved real estate.
   "COLLECTOR STREET." Any city street intersecting with an arterial street.
   "CROSSWALK." That portion of the roadway included within the extension of the sidewalk across any intersection, and such other portions of the roadway between two intersections, as may be legally designated as crossing places and marked by stanchions, paint lines, or otherwise.
   "CURB." The boundary of that portion of the street used for vehicles whether marked by curbstones or not.
   "DRIVER" or "OPERATOR." Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. (KRS 189.010 (7))
   "FUNERAL PROCESSION." Two (2) or more vehicles accompanying the body of a deceased person when each vehicle has its headlights on or is displaying a pennant attached in such a manner as to be clearly visible to approaching traffic.
(KRS 189.378 (1))
   "IMPROVED REAL ESTATE." Any real estate improved by the construction of a residence, business or other habitable structure for which a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the city.
   "INTERSECTION." That part of the public way embraced within the extensions of the street lines of two or more streets which join at any angle whether or not one such street crosses the other.
   "KRS 186.050 (1) MOTOR VEHICLE." A motor vehicle including pickup trucks and passenger vans, primarily designed for carrying passengers or passengers for hire and having been designed or constructed to transport not more than 15 passengers, including the operator.
   "LOCAL STREET." Any city street which is not a collector street.
   "OFFICIAL TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES." All signs, signals, warnings, directions, markings, and devices placed or erected or maintained by authority of the Chief of Police, Chairman of Public Works, or other authorized city official.
   "ONE-WAY STREET." A street on which vehicles are permitted to move in one direction only.
   "OPERATOR." Every person who is in actual physical control of the guidance, starting, and stopping of a vehicle.
   "PARK." When applied to vehicles, to leave a vehicle standing, whether occupied or not, for a period of time longer than is necessary to receive or discharge passengers or property.
   "PEDESTRIAN." Any person afoot.
   "PLAY STREET." Any street or portion thereof so designated by the city and reserved as a play area for children, from which all traffic is barred except vehicles to and from abutting properties.
   "POLICE DEPARTMENT." The Police Department or other persons or agency authorized to perform the duties of § 70.03 or any other acts necessary to implement and enforce this traffic code.
   "PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY." Every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.
   "PUBLIC WAY." The entire width between property lines of every way, dedicated passway, or street set aside for public travel, except bridle paths and foot paths.
   "REVERSE TURN." To turn a vehicle on any street in such a manner as to proceed in the opposite direction.
   "RIGHT-OF-WAY." The privilege of the immediate and preferential use of the street.
   "ROADWAY." That portion of any street, improved, designated, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
   "SIDEWALK." That portion of the street between the curb and the property line intended for the use of pedestrians.
   "STOPPING." As applied to vehicles, to stop a vehicle longer than is actually necessary to receive or discharge passengers.
   "STREET." Every public way, including alleys.
   "THROUGH HIGHWAY." Every street, highway, or portion thereof at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting streets or highways is required by law to stop before entering or crossing the same, and when stop signs are erected as provided in this title.
   "TRAFFIC." Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, buses, and other conveyances, individually or collectively, while using any street for the purpose of travel.
   "VEHICLE." Includes all agencies for the transportation of persons or property over or upon the public highways of the Commonwealth and all vehicles passing over or upon the highways. "MOTOR VEHICLE." Includes all vehicles, as defined above except, road rollers; road graders; farm tractors; vehicles on which power shovels are mounted; construction equipment customarily used only on the site of construction and which is not practical for the transportation of persons or property upon highways; vehicles that travel exclusively upon rails; vehicles propelled by electric power obtained from overhead wires while being operated within any municipality or where the vehicles do not travel more than five (5) miles beyond the city limits of any municipality; vehicles propelled by muscular power; and electric low-speed scooters.
(KRS 189.010 (19))