(a) Permit Fees.
(1) Permit fees in the amount fixed by resolution of the Village of Edgerton, Ohio shall be paid to the Village when a permit is issued.
(2) No permit fee will be required for the following:
A. Non-farm, earth-disturbing activities which have been provided for in an already approved storm water management plan (i.e. home construction on a lot in an approved subdivision with an approved Storm Water Management Plan).
(b) Plan Checking and Field Inspection Fees.
(1) The person who obtains a Storm Water Management permit upon approval of a Storm Water Management Plan or Drainage Plan, which involves design and construction of Storm Water Management Facilities, shall submit design plans, quantities and itemized cost estimates for the facilities, prepared by a Professional Registered Engineer to the Village of Edgerton for review and approval. A certified check in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus 0.50% of the construction cost estimate shall be paid to the Village of Edgerton to offset the cost of plan review. The check shall be made out to the Village of Edgerton.
(2) Plans requiring additional submittal and additional review time will be charged on an hourly basis over and above the initial fee by the Village's Engineer hired to review the plans.
(3) All field inspection of the construction to assure its conformance with the plans, shall be charged on an hourly basis and paid to the Village of Edgerton. If the Storm Water Management Facilities to be constructed are part of a subdivision being developed then this provision of the Storm Water Management Regulations shall run in concurrence with them. Fees to be paid by developer for Village's personnel and/or engineering services as determined on a case by case basis by Village personnel and/or Village Engineer shall be placed in an escrow account to be used by the Village prior to any work commencing. All unused money shall be returned to the developer at the end of the services performed by Villages Engineer and/or personnel. (Ord. 864. Passed 5-4-09.)