(a) Development Area. Means any contiguous (abutting) area owned by one person or operated as one development unit and used or being developed for non-farm commercial, industrial, residential or other non-farm purposes upon which earth-disturbing activities are planned or underway.
(b) Drainage Area. Means:
(1) The contributing area to a single drainage basin, expressed in acres, square miles, or other unit or area. Also call Catchment Area, Watershed and River Basin.
(2) The area served by a drainage system receiving storm and surface water or by a watercourse.
(c) Drainage Way. Means a route or course along which water moved or may move to drain an area.
(d) Earth-Disturbing Activity. Means any grading, excavating, filling or other alteration of the earth's surface where natural or man-made ground cover is destroyed and which may result in increased rate and/or volume or runoff and/or contribute to erosion and sediment pollution.
(e) Flood. Means a general and temporary condition of partial inundation or normally dry land areas.
(f) Person. Means any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, agency, unincorporated association, municipal corporation, county or state agency, the federal government, or any combination thereof.
(g) Primary Drainage System. Means that part of the storm drainage system which is used regularly for collecting, transporting and disposing of storm runoff, snow melt, and miscellaneous minor flows. The capacity of the primary drainage design storm which may have a frequency of occurrence of once in two, five, or ten years.
The primary system is also termed the "convenience system," "minor system," or the "storm sewer system" and may include many features ranging from curbs and gutters to storm sewer pipes and open drainage ways.
(h) Post-Development. Means the state or condition of the earth's surface after urbanization occurs. Other terms are developed, future and after development.
(i) Pre-Development. Means that state or condition of the earth's surface the year prior to development.
(j) SWPPP. Means Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(k) Storm Water Management Facilities. Means the drainage system and control facilities necessary to meet the runoff criteria of these regulations.
(Ord. 864. Passed 5-4-09.)