(a) For the quantitative and qualitative protection of the water supply of the Village, to prevent waste of water and the pollution thereof, to protect the integrity of the waste water treatment system, and to protect the surface drainage system, the drilling of water wells and vertical bore holes within the Village are prohibited except under the following conditions:
(1) For residential household use where the Village is not able to supply water by extension of Village water mains;
(2) Where water is used for horizontal loop geothermal heating or cooling purposes. No injection or reinjection is permitted. Vertical close loop geothermal is prohibited within the Village and areas under control of the Wellhead Protection Ordinance.
(3) No water drawn from such a well shall be consumed or used for any other purpose. Such water shall be discharged into a surface drainage storm sewer in an uncontaminated condition.
(Ord. 866. Passed 7-6-09.)
(b) Notice of the intention to drill any water well shall be given to the Village Administrator not less than ten working days before work is to commence on the making of said well. This notice shall include at least the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the land upon which the well is to be drilled, the date the drilling is to commence, the location of the well, the size of the well, the purposes for the well, and the name of the driller.
(c) Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. For purposes of this section, failure to give the notice required by subsection (b) hereof in a timely manner and/or the commencement of the drilling of a water well without complying with the notice provisions shall be considered to be separate offenses; further, each day work continues on a well the construction of which was begun without appropriate notice having been given and/or each day water is drawn or forced from the earth and not returned in accordance with the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 429. Passed 4-26-82.)