Sec. 7-2-11 Transfer and Lapse of License.
   (a)   Transfer of Licenses. In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 125.04(12), Wis. Stats., a license shall be transferable from one premises to another if such transfer is first approved by the Village Board. An application for transfer shall be made on a form furnished by the Village Administrator. Proceedings for such transfer shall be had in the same form and manner as the original application. The fee for such transfer is as established in Section 1-3-1. Whenever a license is transferred, the Village Administrator shall forthwith notify the Wisconsin Department of Revenue of such transfer. In the event of the sale of a business or business premises of the licensee, the purchaser of such business or business premises must apply to the Village for reissuance of said license and the Village of Edgar, as the licensing authority, shall in no way be bound to reissue said license to said subsequent purchaser.
   (b)   Change in Corporate Agent. Whenever the agent of a corporate holder of a license is for any reason replaced, the licensee shall give Village Administrator written notice of said replacement, the reasons therefor and the new appointment. Until the next regular meeting or special meeting of the Village Board, the successor agent shall have the authority to perform the functions and be charged with the duties of the original agent. However, said license shall cease to be in effect upon receipt by the Village Administrator of notice of disapproval of the successor agent by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue or other law enforcement officers of the municipality in which the license was issued. The corporation's license shall not be in force after receipt of such notice or after a regular or special meeting of the Village Board until the successor agent or another qualified agent is appointed and approved by the Village of Edgar.