Sec. 7-2-9 Approval of Application.
   (a)   Unpaid Taxes and Municipal Obligations. No license shall be issued for operation on any premises or with any equipment for which taxes, assessments, forfeitures or other financial claims of the Village of Edgar are delinquent and unpaid.
   (b)   Sanitary, Health and Safety Standards. No license shall be issued unless the premises conform to the fire, sanitary, safety and health requirements of the State and Village Building Code, the regulations of the State Board of Health and local Board of Health applicable to restaurants, and State and Village Fire Codes. The premises must be properly lighted and ventilated, must be equipped with separate sanitary toilet and lavatory facilities equipped with running water for each sex and must conform to all Ordinances of the Village of Edgar.
   (c)   Application Review Criteria. Consideration for the granting or denial of a license will be based on, but not linited to:
      (1)   Arrest and conviction record of the applicant, subject to the limitations imposed by Secs. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, Wis. Stats.;
      (2)   The financial responsibility of the applicant;
      (3)   The appropriateness of the location and the premises where the licensed business is to be conducted; and
      (4)   Generally, the applicant's fitness for the trust to be reposed.
   (d)   Consideration of Past Offenses. An application may be denied based upon the applicant's arrest and conviction record if the applicant has been convicted of a felony (unless duly pardoned) or if the applicant has habitually been a law offender. For purposes of this licensing procedure, "habitually been a law offender" is generally considered to be an arrest or conviction of at least two (2) offenses which are substantially related to the licensed activity within the five (5) years immediately preceding the license application. Because a license is a privilege, the issuance of which is a right granted solely to the Village Board, the Village Board reserves the right to consider the severity, and facts and circumstances of the offense when making the determination to grant, deny or not renew a license. Further, the Village Board, at its discretion, may, based upon an arrest or conviction record of two (2) or more offenses which are substantially related to the licensed activity within the five (5) years immediately preceding, act to suspend such license for a period of one (1) year or more.