Sec. 2-2-14 Meeting Agendas; Order of Business; Public Hearings.
   (a)   Agenda.
      (1)   The order of business at all regular or special meetings shall be according to the agenda prepared by the Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer. All matters to be presented at a Village Board meeting shall be filed with the Village Administrator- Clerk-Treasurer, or his/her deputy, no later than 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the scheduled regular Village Board meeting to enable the Village Administrator- Clerk-Treasurer to prepare the agenda and all attachments and distribute the same to the Village Board. Matters filed after 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the Village Board meeting will not be placed upon the agenda. The Village President may waive the filing deadline for emergency cause shown.
      (2)   A submitting department shall include copies of all material necessary to consider the agenda item.
      (3)   The Village President shall advise the Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer whether to include an item on the agenda, except that the Trustees calling a special meeting shall decide which items shall be first considered at such special meeting.
      (4)   The Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer shall afford the Trustees maximum reasonable notice of agenda items as each situation allows.
   (b)   Order of Business. Generally, the following order may be observed in the conduct of all regular Village Board meetings:
      (1)   Call to order.
      (2)   Roll call.
      (3)   Approval of minutes, and any corrections, of preceding regular and special meetings.
      (4)   Public input.
      (5)   Unfinished business.
      (6)   New business, including the introduction of Ordinances and Resolutions.
      (7)   Communications and miscellaneous business as permitted by law.
      (8)   Adjournment.
   (c)   Order to Be Followed. No business shall be taken up out of order unless authorized by the Village President or by majority consent of all Trustees and in the absence of any debate whatsoever.
   (d)   Recognition of Visitors. In order to maintain and hold meetings in an orderly fashion the following procedure will be followed regarding visitors unless having previously made a request to be placed on the agenda for a specific item:
      (1)   No discussion allowed from visitors during the course of the meeting unless requested by the Village Board.
      (2)   At the appropriate time, each visitor can be recognized and allowed to speak for no more than five (5) minutes.
      (3)   If a speaker purports to speak for an organization, club or others so as to lead the Village Board to believe that a number of persons support a position, then such person shall state how that position was developed by the group.
   (e)   Procedure at Noticed Public Hearings.
      (1)   After opening the public hearing, the presiding officer shall then call on those persons who wish to speak for the proposition. Each person wishing to speak for the proposition shall give his or her name and address.
      (2)   Each person speaking on behalf of the proposition shall be limited in time to not more than five (5) minutes. The presiding officer may allow for additional time.
      (3)   The presiding officer shall then call on those persons who wish to oppose the proposition.
      (4)   Each such person wishing to speak in opposition to the proposition shall give his or her name and address and shall also be limited to five (5) minutes.
      (5)   Any person wishing to speak in rebuttal to any statements made may, with the permission of the presiding officer, do so, provided, however, such rebuttal statement shall be limited to three (3) minutes by any one (1) individual.
      (6)   If a speaker purports to speak for an organization, club or others so as to lead the Village Board to believe that a number of persons support a position, then such person shall state how that position was developed by the group.
      (7)   When the presiding officer in his/her discretion is satisfied that the proposition has been heard, he/she shall announce the fact that the hearing is concluded.
   (f)   Procedures During Agenda Public Input. The Edgar Village Board welcomes public input. Citizens may address the Board at regularly scheduled Village Board meetings during the "Public Input" period listed on the agenda. Speakers are asked to keep the following guidelines in mind:
      (1)   Individuals wishing to speak must register their intention to do so by signing up prior to the start of the meeting.
      (2)   Any supporting materials may be submitted to the Village Administrator-Clerk- Treasurer prior to the meeting for distribution to Village Board members.
      (3)   Each speaker is allowed a maximum of two (2) minutes to address the Village Board. Additional time may be granted by consent of the majority of the Village Board.
      (4)   A maximum of twenty (20) minutes will be allowed for public input per meeting. Additional time may be granted by consent of the majority of the Village Board.
      (5)   Speakers will be taken in the order of signatures on the sign-up sheet.
      (6)   The presiding officer may impose reasonable limitations on citizen's participation such as barring or restricting repetitious, irrelevant, immaterial or inappropriate comments or testimony.
      (7)   Profane, vulgar, or threatening language will not be tolerated.
      (8)   No action can be taken by the Village Board on items discussed during the Public Input period of the agenda.
   (g)   Submittal of Written Comments. If comments are provided in writing, they may be submitted to the Village Board on matters which the Village Board is considering at its meeting. It is encouraged that such written comments be filed with the Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer by noon of the Friday preceding the regular meeting. If written comments are given at the meeting, the presenter should provide copies for the Village Board and staff.