(a) The Village President Shall Preside. Village President shall preside over meetings of the Village Board. In the absence of the Village President, the President Pro Tern shall preside over meetings of the Village Board. In case of absence of the Village President, and President Pro Tern, the Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer shall call the meeting to order and the Trustees present shall elect one of their number acting President.
(b) President Pro Tem. At the annual organization meeting, the Village Board shall elect one of its members to serve as the President Pro Tern, who shall preside over meetings of the Village Board in the absence of the Village President.
(c) Duties.
(1) It shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to:
a. Call the meeting to order.
b. Keep the meeting to its order of business.
c. Control discussion in an orderly manner:
1. Every Village Board member who wishes an opportunity to speak must be recognized by the presiding officer.
2. Permit audience participation at the appropriate times.
3. Require all speakers to state their name and address for the record, speak to the question, and observe the rules of order.
d. State each motion before it is discussed and before it is voted upon.
e. Put motions to a vote and announce the outcome.
(2) In the event of a dispute regarding Board procedures, the matter shall be decided in accordance with the parliamentary rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, unless otherwise provided by statute or by these rules. Any member shall have the right to appeal from a decision of the presiding officer. Such appeal is not debatable and must be sustained by a majority vote of the members present excluding the presiding officer.
State Law Reference: Sec. 61.32, Wis. Stats.