An Ordinance to Repeal an Ordinance Providing for a Civil Defense Organization and for Protection and Promotion of Public Safety, Health and Welfare in the County of Marathon During Government Emergencies and to Create an Ordinance Providing for Emergency Government in the County of Marathon Entitled "Emergency Government" for Marathon County.
The County Board of Supervisors of Marathon County do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Ordinance entitled An Ordina nee Providing for a Civil Defense Organization and for Protection and Promotion of Public Safety, Health and Welfare in the County of Marathon during Civil Defense Emergencies" is repealed effective May 24, 1977. Section 2. An Ordinance entitled "Emergency Government for Marathon County" is created to read:
   (1)   Purpose. To ensure that the County of Marathon will be prepared to cope with emergencies resulting from enemy action and with emergencies resulting from man-made and natural disasters, an Office of Emergency Government is created to carry out the purposes set out in Chapter 22 of the Wisconsin Statutes, 1969.
   (2)   Definitions. As used in this ordinance:
      (a)   "Emergency Government" includes "civil defense" and means all measures undertaken by or on behalf of the State and its subdivisions:
         1.   To prepare for and minimize the effect of enemy action and natural or man-made disaster upon the civilian population.
         2.   To make emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, vital public utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged by such action or disaster.
      (b)   "Civil Defense" means all measures undertaken by or on behalf of the State and its subdivisions to prepare for and minimize the effect of enemy action upon the civilian population.
      (c)   "Enemy action" means hostile action by a foreign power which threatens the security of this State or portion thereof.
      (d)   The term "natural disaster" includes all other extraordinary misfortunes affecting the county, natural or man-made, not included in the term "enemy action."
   (1)   How Constituted. The Advisory Committee of the County Board as created under its rules is hereby designated as the County Emergency Government Committee. When acting as such Committee, the Chairman of the County Board shall be its Chairman.
   (2)   Duties of County Emergency Government Committee. The County Emergency Government Committee shall be an advisory and planning group and shall advise the County' Emergency Government Director and the County Board of Supervisors on all matters pertaining to emergency government. It shall meet upon call of the Chairman.
   (1)   Joint Director. There is hereby created the Office of County/Municipal Emergency Government Director. The County Emergency Government Director shall also hold the office of Emergency Government Director of such municipalities of Marathon County as may hereafter enact an ordinance parallel to this ordinance. In addition to his duties as County Emergency Government Director, he shall have the additional duties and responsibilities of a Municipal Emergency Government Director as provided for in Sec. 66.30 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
   (2)   Salary. Term. Appointment and Statutory Provision.
      (a)   The County/Municipal Emergency Government Director shall be a full-time position.
      (b)   Salary. The salary of the Director and members of his staff shall be as determined by the County Board.
      (c)   Term. The term of the Director shall be at the pleasure of the County Board.
      (d)   Appointment. The Director shall be appointed by the Emergency Government Committee in accordance with the standard employment procedures as used by the County Board and subject to approval by the County Board.
      (e)   Statutory Provision. The provisions of Sec. 22.16(9), Laws of 1969, Wisconsin Statutes, relating to personnel, shall apply to the selection of the Director and his staff.
   (3)   Status. The Director shall be considered to be an employee of the county not under civil service and shall be entitled to all of the rights, privileges and benefits that county employees have. He shall report to the County Emergency Government Committee.
   (1)   Office and Staff. The Marathon County Board shall provide offices, office furniture, stenographic help and such office supplies as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the County Emergency Government Director, and the cost thereof- shall be defrayed by the County of Marathon with the help of federal matching funds.
   (2)   Maior Equipment and Services. Costs of equipment and services shall be borne one hundred percent (100%) by the municipal government requiring such procurement with federal matching funds procured by the County /Municipal Director when applicable. Federal matching fund reimbursements shall be returned to the Treasurer of the municipality procuring the equipment or services.
Whenever it is deemed necessary by either the County Emergency Government Committee or the Emergency Government Committee of a municipality participating in joint action, there shall be a joint meeting of the committees to decide such matters as they arise.
   (1)   Countywide Duties. The Director, in his capacity as County Director, subject to the control and direction of the County Emergency Government Committee and under the general supervision of the County Board, shall:
      (a)   Develop and promulgate emergency government plans for the county, including planning for Joint action municipalities, consistent with the state plan of emergency government;
      (b)   Coordinate and assist in the development of non-joint action municipal emergency government plans within the county and integrate such plans with the county plan;
      (c)   Direct the county and joint action municipality emergency government sen.ices programs;
      (d)   Direct county-wide emergency government services training programs and exercises;
      (e)   Advise the State Administrator of Emergency Government through the Northeast Area Director of all emergency government planning for the county and make such reports as may be required by the Administrator;
      (f)   In case of a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor, direct the county and joint action municipalities in emergency government activities and coordinate the non-joint action municipal emergency government acti\ities within the county, subject to coordinating authority of the State Administrator; and
      (g)   Perform such other duties relating to emergency government as may be required by the County Board.
   (2)   Municipal Duties. The Director, in his capacity as director for a municipality participating in joint action, shall:
      (a)   Direct the municipal emergency government organization;
      (b)   Develop, promulgate and integrate into the county plan emergency government plans for the operating services of the municipality; ,
      (c)   Direct participation of the municipality in such emergency government training programs and exercises as may be required on the county level or by I the State Administrator;
      (d)   Direct the municipal emergency government training programs and exercises;
      (e)   Perform all administrative duties necessary for the submission of reports and procurement of federal matching funds for each municipality requesting federal matching funds;
      (f)   In case of a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor, direct the acti\ities of the municipal emergency government organization;
      (g)   Perform such other duties relating to emergency government as may be required by the municipal governing body.
   (1)   Policy. In preparing and executing the Emergency Government Program, the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the county shall be utilized to the maximum extent practicable; and the officer and personnel of all such departments and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such senices and facilities as are required of them.
   (2)   Joint Action. Municipalities entering into joint action with Marathon County will provide for utilization of existing senices of municipal government by enactment of an ordinance parallel to this Section of the county ordinanee.
   (3)   Responsibilities. To assure that during emergencies all the facilities of the existing county government are expanded to the fullest to meet the emergency, the following specific responsibilities are assigned to the following department heads. The Director of Emergency Government will assist in organizing and planning for the expansion of their departments prior to or during an emergency and for recruiting volunteers to supplement the regular work force.
County Sheriff               Director of Emergency Police Service
County Highway Commissioner          Director of Emergency Engineering Services
Director or Public Welfare             Director of Emergency Welfare Senices
Purchasing Agent               Director of Emergency Supply Services
County Coroner                Director of Emergency Mortuary Services
District Attorney               Director of Emergency Legal Services
Other department heads not specifically named will fulfill emergency and non-emergency duties as assigned under the Marathon County/Municipal Operations Plan. Nothing in this Section shall be construed so as to limit the Director of Emergency Government from immediately starting organizational and planning programs as required by the State of Wisconsin Operations Plan adopted by the County Board.
   (4)   Marathon County Succession to Command. To insure continuity of government, the following is the succession to leadership for Marathon County:
         (a)   County Board Chairman.
         (b)   Vice-Chairman, County Board.
         (c)   Chairman of Property, Purchasing and Insurance Committee.
   (1)   Joint Action Municipalities. In the event the Governor determines that an emergency exists growing out of natural or man-made disaster, the County Emergency Government Director will activate and direct the emergency government services at the appropriate level of government affected by the emergency.
   (2)   Non-Joint Action Municipalities. In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, the County Emergency Government Director will coordinate the municipalities affected and render such assistance as is required and available from county resources.
   (3)   Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the emergency government organization in the enforcement of any order, rule, regulation or plan issued pursuant to this ordinance or to do any act forbidden by any order, rule, regulation or plan issued pursuant to the authority contained in this. ordinance. For a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, he shall forfeit not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and, in default of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days.