The following determinations are reviewable under this Chapter:
(a) The grant or denial in whole or in part after application of an initial permit, license, right, privilege or authority, except a fermented malt beverage or intoxicating liquor license.
(b) The suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of an existing permit, license right, privilege or authority, except as provided in Section 4-1-3(d).
(c) The denial of a grant of money or other thing of value under a statute or ordinance prescribing conditions of eligibility for such grant.
(d) The imposition of a penalty or sanction upon any person except a municipal employee or officer, other than by a court.
(e) The suspension or removal of a Village of Edgar officer or employee except as provided in Section 4-1-3(b) and (g).
State Law Reference:
Sec. 68.02, Wis. Stats.