Sec. 15-1-9 Regulation and Permit for Razing Buildings.
   (a)   Demolition Permit Required. All persons who demolish or cause to be demolished any structure or part of a structure larger than four hundred (400) square feet within the Village of Edgar shall apply for and obtain a demolition permit from the Village prior to undertaking any steps to demolish the structure.
   (b)   Application. An application for a permit to demolish all or part of a building shall include the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the owner of the building on date of application and, if different, on date of demolition;
      (2)   The name, address and telephone number of the contractor(s) performing the demolition work;
      (3)   The date upon which demolition is to commence;
      (4)   The date by which demolition shall be complete;
      (5)   A list of all hazardous waste and hazardous and toxic substances (as defined by NR 181.12 and 158.03(4), Wis. Adm. Code as amended from time to time) contained in the building, a statement as to whether the building contains asbestos [as defined by Sec. 140.04(1)(a), Wis. Stats.], and a detailed description of the method to be used in removing, transporting and disposing of any hazardous waste, hazardous and toxic substances, and asbestos;
      (6)   A detailed description of how and where the waste materials resulting from the demolition will be transported and disposed of (including the description of the. route to be used by trucks in hauling the waste);
      (7)   A description of the method of demolition to be used; and
      (8)   A description in detail of all methods to be used to prevent water runoff and soil erosion from the site to neighboring properties and to prevent releasing unreasonable amounts of dust from the site;
      (9)   Along with the application for permit for demolition, the applicant shall present a release from all utilities serving the property, stating that their respective service connections and appurtenant equipment such as meters and regulators have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner.
   (c)   Demolition. The demolition shall be conducted in a manner that is safe and that does not adversely affect the environment.
   (d)   Clearing and Leveling the Site.
      (1)   The site of any demolition shall be properly cleared of debris, rubbish and pavement and shall be properly graded and leveled to conform with the adjoining grade of the neighboring property; and when so graded and leveled, the site shall be seeded, sodded or treated in same other manner acceptable to Village officials so as to prevent blowing dust, dirt, or sand. Excavations remaining after demolition shall be filled, graded and leveled off, not later than thirty (30) consecutive days after demolition is completed.
      (2)   Excavations from demolished buildings or structures shall not be filled with any materials subject to deterioration. The UDC Certified Building Inspector, or other designated Village official or employee, upon notification by the permit holder, the owner or his/her agent, in writing and upon forms provided by the Building Inspector for that purpose, shall within seventy-two (72) hours inspect each excavation, or part thereof, before filling any excavation.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful to fill any such excavation without inspection and approval of the Building Inspector. Voids in filled excavations shall not be permitted. In the event of the unavailability of a Village official to conduct an inspection within the seventy- two (72) hours after written notice; the permit holder, owner or his/her agent may retain the services of a certified, qualified municipal inspection service to obtain an opinion that approves filling of the excavation. Said opinion shall be deemed a suffi- cient approval by the Village provided that a written copy of the opinion is delivered to the Village Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer at least forty-eight (48) hours before filling of the excavation commences.
      (4)   After all razing operations have been completed, the foundation shall be filled at least six (6) inches above the adjacent grade, the property raked clean, and all debris hauled away. All resulting vacant areas shall be properly graded and seeded or planted to restore it to a natural condition. Other restoration plans may be accepted by the Village Board.
   (e)   Removal and Disposal. Removal, transportation and disposal of all hazardous waste, hazardous and toxic substances, and asbestos shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable state, federal and local statutes, ordinances and regulations. The permit holder shall give the Village seventy-two (72) hours written notice prior to any removal, transportation or disposal of hazardous waste, hazardous and toxic substances, and asbestos.
   (f)   Miscellaneous Provisions.
      (1)   A snow fence or other approved barricade shall be provided as soon as any portion of the building is removed and shall remain during razing operations.
      (2)   Razing permits shall lapse and be void unless the work authorized thereby is commenced within six (6) months from the date thereof or completed within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of said work. Any unfinished portion of work remaining beyond the required thirty (30) days must have special approval from the UDC Certified Building Inspector or designated Village official or employee.
      (3)   All debris must be hauled away at the end of each day for the work that was done on that week. No combustible material shall be used for backfill, but shall be hauled away. There shall not be any burning of materials on the site of the razed building.
      (4)   If any razing or removal operation under this Section results in, or would likely result in, an excessive amount of dust particles in the air creating a nuisance in the vicinity thereof, the permittee shall take all necessary steps, by use of water spraying or other appropriate means, to eliminate such nuisance.
      (5)   The permittee shall take all necessary steps, prior to the razing of a building, through the employment of a qualified person in the field of pest control or by other appropriate means, to treat the building as to prevent the spread and migration of rodents and insects therefrom during and after the razing operations.