Sec. 15-1-5 New Methods and Materials.
   (a)   Approval Requirements for New Methods and Materials. All materials, methods of construction and devices designed for use in buildings or structures covered by this Section and not specifically mentioned in or permitted by this Section shall not be so used until approved in writing by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services for use in buildings or structures covered by the Wisconsin State Building Code, except sanitary appliances, which shall be approved in accordance with the State Plumbing Code.
   (b)   Manufacturer's Installation Requirements. Such materials, methods of construction and devices, when approved, must be installed or used in strict compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and any rules or conditions of use established by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. The data, test and other evidence necessary to prove the merits of such material, method of construction or device shall be determined by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services.