Sec. 15-1-1   Building Code Established.
   (a)   Title. This Chapter shall be known as the "Building Code of the Village of Edgar" and will be referred to in this Chapter as "this Code," "this Chapter" or "this Ordinance."
   (b)   Purpose. This Chapter provides certain minimum standards, provisions and requirements for safe and stable design, methods of construction and uses of materials in buildings and/or structures hereafter erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, converted to other uses or demolished and regulates the equipment, maintenance, use and occupancy of all such buildings and/or structures. Its purpose is to protect and foster the health, safety and well-being of persons occupying or using such buildings and the general public.
   (c)   Scope; Applicability; Statutory Authority.
      (1)   Scope. New buildings hereafter erected in, or any building hereafter moved within or into the Village of Edgar shall conform to all the requirements of this Chapter except as they are herein specifically exempted from part or all of its provisions. Any alteration, enlargement or demolition of an existing building and any installation therein of electrical, gas, heating, plumbing or ventilating equipment which affects the health or safety of the users thereof or any other persons is a "new building" to the extent of such change. The provisions of this Chapter supplement the laws of the State of Wisconsin pertaining to construction and use and the Zoning Code of the Village of Edgar and amendments thereto to the date this Chapter was adopted and in no way supersede or nullify such laws and the said Zoning Code.
      (2)   Applicability. This Building Code applies to all dwellings, commercial buildings/structures, swimming pools, garages, structures, buildings and accessory buildings. Not included are children's play structures, reroofing, and agricultural buildings on agricultural zoned parcels.
      (3)   Statutory Authority. These regulations are adopted under the authority granted by Sec. 101.65, Wis. Stats.
   (d)   Village Building Code Positions. The Village Board may elect that this Chapter be administered by two (2) different designated authorities representing the Village of Edgar:
      (1)   UDC Administration. Construction requiring inspection by a Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) certified building inspector shall be inspected by by a UDC-Certified Building Inspector or inspection firm employed by the Village of Edgar.
      (2)   Non-UDC Administration. With construction not required by state law or this Chapter to be inspected by a UDC-certified building inspector, the Village elects that all permits shall be issued by the UDC Building Inspector; the Village may elect in the future to have non-UDC permits issued by a designated non-certified Village official or employee.