Sec. 13-1-124 Off-Street Parking Restrictions in Residential Areas.
   (a)   Where Permitted. Unless the district regulations provide otherwise, off-street vehicle parking is permitted in the following yards of property in a residentially zoned district:
      (1)   A rear yard.
      (2)   A side yard not adjoining a street.
      (3)   A front yard, but only on one (1) paved or graveled driveway not exceeding twenty- four (24) feet in width and for not more than three (3) vehicles parked not nearer than five (5) feet to a front property line or three (3) feet to a side lot line.
   (b)   Additional Permitted Areas. Regardless of the provisions of Subsection (a) above, the Village Board may permit off-street vehicle parking in any yard of a residential development where the overall housing plan and design for such development, in the judgment of the Village Board, is substantially improved thereby, as compared to where off-street parking is limited by Subsection (a) above, and where sole access from such development is to local and collector streets. In this Subsection, "substantially improved" means a substantial increase in the value of the property. Such permission shall be granted only after a conditional use proceeding under Article E of this Code of Ordinances. No such permission shall be granted for any residential development which is adjacent to either a public right-of-way or other residences unless sufficient and suitable screening is provided so as to prevent, to as great a degree as practicable, direct view of such off-street parking areas from such adjacent areas.
   (c)   Vehicle Limitations.
      (1)   In a residential district, accessory off-street parking facilities provided for uses listed herein shall be solely for the parking of passenger automobiles of patrons, occupants or employees and not more than two (2) trucks limited to one (1) ton capacity.
      (2)   Only two (2) vehicles licensed as trucks may be parked on a residential lot. Such vehicles are limited in size to a maximum of one (1) ton capacity.
      (3)   All vehicles parked on a residential lot shall be in condition for safe and effective performance of the function for which they are designed.
      (4)   All motor vehicles parked on a residential lot shall display current license plates.