(A) Incident investigation will be performed by the immediate supervisor of the employee involved. If two or more employees were separately involved in the incident, the supervisor of each will perform independent investigations. Any incident involving death, permanent disability, temporary disability, hospitalization, medical treatment, loss of time from work by a city employee, damage to or destruction of any property or injury to a visitor will be investigated by the immediate supervisor and the Safety Coordinator. Outside parties can be called in to lead investigations of a serious injury or death.
(B) The purpose of incident investigation is to prevent the reoccurrence of incidents by identifying contributing causes, determining corrective measures necessary to eliminate causes, and disseminating information on incident prevention to the Incident Prevention Subcommittee. The Incident Prevention Subcommittee will then review the information assembled and prepare updates, memorandums and newsletters to all employees on incident prevention.
(C) Accurate, complete incident reports are essential to identify and remedy causes. Copies of all incident investigations shall be forwarded to the Safety Coordinator. The incident investigation shall be initiated after the occurrence of the incident in conformance with OSHA guidelines, but in no event shall it be later than the next regular working day (excluding city observed holidays and weekends). Copies of all disciplinary actions taken shall be forwarded to Human Resources for filing in the appropriate personnel file.
(Ord. passed 2-18-03)