A. After the approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may cause the subdivision, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final plat prepared in accordance with the preliminary plat as approved.
B. The final plat, prepared in accordance with Idaho Code title 50, chapter 25, and the provisions set forth herein, shall be filed with the city council together with a letter requesting that it be placed on their agenda for consideration.
C. Such final plat, when submitted, shall be accompanied by eight (8) sets of prints of the plans and specifications. (Ord. 96-7, 11-11-1996)
A. Filing of the final plat shall be made within one year after action by the council on said preliminary plat.
B. Failure to file a final plat within one year after the action by the council approving said preliminary plat shall cause all approval of said preliminary plat to have been voided; provided, however, that upon application of the subdivider, the council may grant an extension of the one year period of time not to exceed ninety (90) days. (Ord. 96-7, 11-11-1996)