The following minimum standards for secure transporters shall apply:
   (A)   The secure transporter shall comply at all times and in all circumstances with the Act and the general rules of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, as they may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Consumption and/or use of marihuana shall be prohibited at a storage establishment of a secure transporter.
   (C)   Storage of marihuana by a secure transporter shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The storage facility shall not be open or accessible to the general public.
      (2)   The storage facility shall be maintained and operated so as to comply with all state and local rules, regulations and ordinances.
      (3)   All marihuana stored within the establishment shall be stored within enclosed, locked building in accordance with the Act and the provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   A secure transporter licensee and each stakeholder shall not have an interest in a grower processor, retailer, microbusiness or safety compliance establishment.
   (E)   A secure transporter shall enter all transactions, current inventory, and other information as required by the state into the statewide monitoring system as required bylaw.
   (F)   A secure transporter shall comply with all of the following:
      (1)   Each driver transporting marihuana must have a chauffer's license issued by the state of Michigan.
      (2)   Each employee who has custody of marihuana or money that is related to a marihuana transaction shall not have been convicted of or released from incarceration for a felony under the laws of this state, any other state, or the United States within the past five years or have been convicted of a misdemeanor involving a controlled substance with the past five years.
      (3)   Each vehicle shall be operated with a two-person crew with at least one individual remaining with the vehicle at all times during the transportation of marihuana.
      (4)   A route plan and manifest shall be entered into the statewide monitoring system, and a copy shall be carried in the transporting vehicle and presented to a law enforcement officer upon request.
      (5)   The marihuana shall be transported by one or more sealed containers and not be accessible while in transit.
      (6)   A secure transporting vehicle shall not bear markings or other indication that it is carrying marihuana or a marihuana infused product.
   (G)   A vehicle used by a secure transporter is subject to administrative inspection by a law enforcement officer at any point during the transportation of marihuana to determine compliance with all state and local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances.
   (H)   All secure transporters shall comply with all applicable requirements of the zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 2024-1, passed 2-19-2024) Penalty, see § 117.99