(A)   Except as provided in § 116.09(A), the Village Clerk will assess all applications pursuant to the provisions, requirements, and criteria set forth in this chapter and shall consult with the Village Police Department, the Village Fire Department, the Village Zoning Administrator, and the Treasury Department. The Village Clerk may consult with outside professionals in the business and finance disciplines.
   (B)   In its application deliberations, the Village Clerk shall assess each application in each of the following categories:
      (1)   Whether the reports issued by the Village Fire, Police, Building Safety, Zoning and Treasury Departments indicate that the applicant or its stakeholders or employees have satisfied the requirements of § 116.06(E) and sufficiently addressed the considerations of § 116.06(B);
      (2)   Whether the proposed establishment will negatively impact the character and aesthetics of the surrounding neighborhood and community, including whether the applicant or its stakeholders have engaged in positive community outreach on behalf of the proposed establishment, and whether the applicant or its stakeholders have made significant improvements to the building or neighborhood where the proposed establishment is to be located; and
      (3)   Whether the applicant and its stakeholders are persons of good character, honesty, and integrity who do not discredit or tend to discredit public confidence and trust in the medical marihuana industry, or pose a threat to the public health, security, safety, morals, good order, or general welfare.
   (C)   If the Village Clerk issues a certificate of approval to an applicant, the Village Clerk shall issue an initial license to that applicant within ten business days.
   (D)   Nothing in this section is intended to confer a property or other right, duty, privilege or interest entitling an applicant to an administrative hearing upon denial of an application or with regard to any scoring decision.
(Ord. 2017-5, passed 8-21-20217; Ord. 2019-1, passed 8-19-2019)