(A)   Upon receipt of a complete land division application package, the Village Zoning Commission or other official designated by the governing body shall forthwith submit the same to the Village Council for review and decision. The governing body shall approve with reasonable conditions to assure compliance with applicable ordinances and the protection of public health, safety, and general welfare, or disapprove the land division applied for within 45 days after the receipt of the complete application package conforming to this chapter’s requirements and shall promptly notify the applicant of the decisions and the reasons for any denial. If the application package does not conform to the requirements of this chapter and/or the State Land Division Act, the Zoning Commission, or other designee, shall return the same to the applicant for completion and refiling in accordance with this chapter and the State Land Division Act.
   (B)   Any person or entity aggrieved by the decision of the governing body, within 45 days of said decision, may appeal the decision to the Zoning Board of Appeal, which shall consider and resolve such appeal by a majority vote of said Board at its next meeting or session affording sufficient time for a 20-day written notice to the applicant (and appellant where other than the applicant) of the time and date of said meeting and appellate hearing.
   (C)   A decision approving a land division is effective for 90 days from the final approval by the last Board to review the land split, after which it shall be considered revoked unless within such period a document is recorded with the County Register of Deed’s Office and a copy of said document is filed with the Clerk’s Department and to give a copy of the approved land division to the County Land Description Office accomplishing the approved land division or transfer.
   (D)   The Village Clerk’s Department shall maintain an official record of all approved and accomplished land division or transfer.
(Ord. 2001-9, passed 10-24-2001)