(A)   Special performance standards.
      (1)   Tower must be set back from all property lines a distance equal to its height, unless engineering plans and specifications have been verified by the Village Engineer that the structural integrity of the tower will withstand high winds and impacts, and the likelihood of a tower failure is minimal. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the village engineering review.
      (2)   Accessory structures are limited to uses associated with the operation of the tower and may not be located any closer to any property line than 30 feet.
      (3)   Accessory structures shall not exceed 600 square feet of gross building area.
      (4)   All buffer yard requirements within the village zoning ordinance shall be otherwise satisfied.
      (5)   The division of property for the purpose of locating a wireless communication facility is prohibited unless all village zoning ordinance requirements and conditions are met.
      (6)   The tower construction plans shall be certified by a registered structural engineer licensed in the state.
      (7)   The applicant shall provide verification that the antenna mount and structure have been reviewed and approved by a professional engineer and that the installation is in compliance with all applicable codes.
      (8)   All towers must meet the standards of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Communications Commission.
      (9)   Communication towers in excess of 100 feet in height above grade level shall be prohibited within a two-mile radius of a public airport or one-half mile radius of a heliport.
      (10)   No part of any tower or antenna shall be constructed, located, or maintained at any time, permanently or temporarily, on or upon any required setback area for the district in which the antenna or tower is to be located. In no case shall a tower or antenna be located within 30 feet of a property line. The applicant may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a setback variance.
      (11)   Metal towers shall be constructed, or treated with, corrosive-resistant material.
      (12)   Antenna and metal towers shall be grounded for protection against a direct strike by lightning and shall comply as to electrical wiring and connections with all applicable local statutes, regulations, and standards.
      (13)   Towers with antennas shall be designed to withstand a uniform wind loading as prescribed in the Building Code.
      (14)   All signals and remote control conductors of low energy extending substantially horizontally above the ground between a tower or antenna and a structure, or between towers, shall be at least eight feet above the ground at all points, unless buried underground.
      (15)   Towers shall be located and designed so that they do not interfere with telephone, radio, and television reception in nearby residential areas.
      (16)   Towers shall be located so as to allow maintenance vehicles to maneuver on the property.
      (17)   The base of the tower shall occupy no more than 500 square feet.
      (18)   Minimum spacing between communication tower locations shall be two miles to prevent a concentration of towers in the village.
      (19)   Height of the tower shall not exceed 300 feet from grade.
      (20)   Towers shall be artificially lighted only to the extent required by the FAA, or by the Village Council, whichever is greater. Where possible, considering all site restrictions, any such lighting shall not unduly interfere with the peace and repose of the surrounding land uses, whether or not in the same zoning district.
      (21)   Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable.
      (22)   No advertisement or identification of any kind, except as required for emergency purposes, shall be displayed or erected on the property.
      (23)   The antenna shall be painted to match the exterior treatment of the tower. The paint scheme shall minimize the off-site visibility of the antenna and tower.
      (24)   Structures shall be subject to any state and federal regulations concerning non-zoning electromagnetic radiation. If more restrictive standards are adopted in the future, the antenna shall be made to conform to said regulation within 30 days or the special land use approval will be subject to revocation by the Village Council. All costs for testing and verification of compliance shall be borne by the operator of the antenna.
      (25)   There shall be no employees located on the site. Occasional or temporary repair service activities are excluded from the restriction.
      (26)   Where the property adjoins any residentially zoned property or land use, the developer shall plant two alternating rows of evergreen trees having a minimum height at time of planting of five feet on ten foot centers along the entire perimeter of the tower and related structures. In no case shall the evergreens be any closer than 20 feet to any structure. These trees shall be maintained by the applicant, and dead trees shall be replaced during the following planting season. Any necessary replacements shall also be a minimum height of five feet at the time of replacement. These trees shall be maintained by the applicant perpetually, and dead trees shall be replaced during the following planting season.
      (27)   All new and modified wireless communication facilities shall be designed and constructed so as to accommodate collocation.
      (28)   The site and tower shall be maintained in compliance with all applicable laws, codes, and ordinances. The village may require landscaping or other improvements to the site so as to minimize the aesthetic or other damage the tower causes to the surrounding properties.
   (B)   Land division. Subject to Chapter 152 of this code, the division of property for the purpose of locating a wireless communication facility is prohibited unless all zoning requirements are met.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 4-18-2006) Penalty, see § 151.99