(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      DEPOSIT. A refundable fee set to ensure compliance with ordinance rules and requirements.
      LICENSE. An official document providing permission to conduct a sale.
      RESIDENTIAL SALES. The sale of items from a noncommercial or nonindustrial property. This definition includes, but is not limited to, garage, rummage, estate, and moving sales.
   (B)   Rules.
      (1)   No residential sales will be held within the village limits without first obtaining a license and paying a deposit to the Village Clerk’s office.
      (2)   The license and deposit fee shall be set by vote of the Village Council.
      (3)   The deposit fee shall be refunded on completion of cleanup of all items associated with the sale including, but not limited to, all signs, postings, and notices.
      (4)   The refund of the cleanup deposit is subject to satisfactory inspection by an official of the village or individual as designated by the village.
      (5)   Cleanup shall be completed within 24 hours from completion of the sale.
      (6)   Failure to comply with the requirements in this section will cause forfeiture of deposit.
      (7)   The license fee shall be waived for sales held by charitable organizations and senior citizens over the age of 65.
      (8)   No single property, location, or organization shall be licensed for more than four sales within a calendar year. A break of a minimum period of four days shall be between any two sales conducted at the same physical site or property.
      (9)   No sale shall exceed a four-day consecutive period. The sale must run consecutive days.
(Ord. 2001-4, passed 5-21-2001) Penalty, see § 110.99