(A)   Sewerage system rates, charges, or fees payable by non-domestic users shall be established by resolution by the Village Council, and shall be subject to amendment or revision from time to time.
   (B)   Such rates, charges, or fees shall be sufficient to meet the costs of the operation, maintenance, improvement, or replacement of the sewerage system and the treatment plant, and may include any of the following:
      (1)   Fees to reimburse the village for the costs of development and operation of an industrial pretreatment program, and fees to reimburse the POTW for monitoring, inspections, and surveillance procedures, including expenses incurred for analysis of samples;
      (2)   Fees for reviewing discharge reports, and for related enforcement procedures;
      (3)   Fees for permit applications;
      (4)   Fees for filing appeals;
      (5)   Fees for removal by the POTW of pollutants subject to federal or state pretreatment standards;
      (6)   User fees based on volume of waste and concentration or quantity of specific pollutants in the discharge;
      (7)   Other charges or fees for services or procedures performed by the POTW as are required by law; and
      (8)   Such other charges or fees as the Village Council may deem necessary to perform fully the provisions of applicable federal and state laws, this chapter, rules, and regulations issued or adopted pursuant to law or ordinance, and terms and conditions of service.
(Ord. 2009-5, passed 7-20-2009)