(A)   Interceptors/traps required.
      (1)   Grease interceptors/traps shall be provided and maintained in proper operating condition at all times at the expense of the property owner for the proper handling of liquid waste containing grease. Grease interceptors/traps shall be required for all food service establishments and may be required for other users as determined necessary by the POTW Manager. Grease interceptors/traps shall be sized, constructed, and installed as required by the POTW Manager’s specifications and subject to the POTW Manager’s approval. At a minimum, grease interceptors/traps shall be cleaned and maintained per the manufacturer’s specifications and as provided by this section at the property owner’s expense.
      (2)   Oil and sand interceptors/traps may be required in any establishment where sand, oil, and flammable wastes or other harmful ingredients could enter the wastewater. If a plug or backup occurs and is directly caused by sand and/or oil, the POTW Manager may require that establishment to install an oil and sand interceptor/trap. Oil and sand interceptors/traps are required for establishments engaged in the washing of motor vehicles.
      (3)   All interceptors/traps shall be of a type and capacity approved by the POTW Manager and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, watertight, and equipped with easily removable covers which, when bolted into place, shall be gastight and watertight. Grease interceptors shall provide a minimum capacity of 750 gallons.
      (4)   Where installed, all grease, oil, and sand interceptors/traps shall be cleaned and maintained by the owner, at the owner’s sole expense, and shall be kept in continuously efficient operation at all times. At a minimum, any user required to install an interceptor shall comply with the best management practices as provided by division (B) below.
   (B)   Best management practices (“BMPs”) for interceptors/traps.
      (1)   Any user required to install and maintain an interceptor/trap of any kind shall develop and carry out a system of maintenance and clean out of such device(s) and shall document and keep:
         (a)   A maintenance schedule;
         (b)   The identity of the person(s) who cleaned and maintained the interceptor; and
         (c)   The method and location of grease, oil, and sand disposal.
      (2)   Any problems with or damage to an interceptor/trap shall be reported immediately to the owner and the POTW Manager.
      (3)   Any damage to an interceptor/trap shall be immediately repaired.
      (4)   No interceptor/trap clean out material shall be discharged into a sewer.
      (5)   No bacteria or enzyme products shall be used in the maintenance of interceptors/traps.
      (6)   All users shall implement BMPs for grease management to minimize the discharge of food grease to the POTW.
      (7)   Specific BMPs for grease interceptors/traps. All users required to install and maintain grease interceptors (traps) shall comply with the following minimum requirements.
         (a)   Under sink grease traps shall be cleaned weekly, at a minimum, or more frequently as needed or as required by the POTW Manager.
         (b)   Clean outs of all other interceptors/traps shall be scheduled such that the interceptor/trap does not exceed 25% solids content (including both the top and bottom layers of solids) and there is no visible discharge of grease or oil. At a minimum, an interceptor/trap shall be cleaned out at least once every three months.
         (c)   The clean out shall be accomplished by pumping to remove the entire grease mat, liquids, sludges, and solids from screens, baffles, air-relief chambers, and wash down of interior walls. The interceptor/trap shall be refilled with clear water before being returned to service.
         (d)   The user shall witness all clean out and maintenance of interceptors/traps.
   (C)   Documentation. The documentation required by this section shall be available for review by the POTW and copies shall be provided to the POTW upon request.
   (D)   Inspection. The POTW shall have the right to inspect a restaurant or other establishment where an interceptor/trap is required at any time for any reason.
   (E)   Failure to comply. If a user fails to provide or maintain a required interceptor/trap, the village may do so (or cause the same to be done) and charge the costs to the user. The failure of any establishment where an interceptor/trap is required to comply with this section may subject the violator to enforcement action and the remedies as may be available by law and the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 2009-5, passed 7-20-2009) Penalty, see § 53.999