(A)   Any person owning or keeping a dog or cat or other animal which bites or attacks or approaches a person on a street, sidewalk or public place in an apparent attitude of attack shall immediately report the same in writing to the department.
   (B)   Any person who has been bitten or so attacked or approached by a dog, cat or other animal shall file a written report of such event with the department within twenty four (24) hours after such event occurred.
   (C)   Reports made pursuant to subsections (A) and (B) of this section shall include the name of the person completing the report, the victim's name, address and telephone number; the animal's owner's or keeper's name, address and telephone number; a description of the animal; the location where the bite, attack, or approach occurred and the date and time of same; the description and location of the wound, if any; the name of the victim's treating physician, if any; and, if the bite, attack, or approach occurred on the property of the animal's owner or keeper, the purpose for which the victim was on the owner's or keeper's property.
   (D)   Any animal that has bitten any human being is subject to impound by the department and disposal as provided in this section 6-4-2. (Ord. 06-21, 9-18-2006)