1.5.   Definitions
   1.5.1.   The term “board” or “boards” as used in this charter shall be deemed to include all boards, commissions, agencies and committees, except as otherwise specified.
   1.5.2.   The terms “prescribed by law” and “provided by law” as used in this charter shall be deemed to mean prescribed or provided by the general statutes, by charter, and by ordinance.
   1.5.3.   The term “enact” or “enactment” as used in Chapter 3 of this charter shall be deemed to include the adoption, amendment or repeal of an ordinance.
   1.5.4.   The term “department” as used in Section 6.3. of this charter shall be deemed to mean each board, commission, committee and agency of the town for which an appropriation was made in the annual budget; each official who is not a member of a board, commission, committee or agency for whom an appropriation was made in the annual budget; each separate function of the town for which the Board of Selectmen is responsible.