(A)   Pursuant to the authority granted by Conn. Gen. Stat. § 8-1C, Revision of 1958, the following schedule of fees recommended by the Inland Wetlands Agency is established.
Application fee **
   Commercial uses
      Plus fee from Schedule A
   Residential uses
$150 plus* $50/lot
      Plus fee from Schedule A
   All other uses
      Plus fee from Schedule A
   *Each lot with regulated activities
   **$30 fee required by Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-27j will be added to the base fees
Appeal of duly authorized agent decision
Approval by duly authorized agent **
Complex application fee
Actual cost
   The Inland Wetlands Agency may charge an additional fee sufficient to cover the cost of reviewing and acting on complex applications. Such fee may include, but not be limited to, the cost of retaining experts, to advise, analyze, review and report on issues requiring such experts. The Agency or the duly authorized agent shall estimate the complex application fee, which shall be paid pursuant to § 19.1 of the Inland Wetland and Watercourses regulations within 10 days of the applicant’s receipt or notice of such estimate. Any portion of the complex application fee in excess of the actual cost shall be refunded to the applicant no later than 30 days after publication of the agency’s decision.
Modification of previous approval
Monitoring compliance fee
Permitted and nonregulated uses
   Permitted uses as of right
Public hearing fee
   Single residential
Regulation amendment petitions (does not include notices or regulation advisories from DEP)
   Map amendment petitions
      Plus fee from Schedule B
Renewal of previous approval
Significant activity fee
Schedule A
For the purpose of calculating the permit application fee, the area in Schedule A is the total area of wetlands and watercourses and the upland review area upon which a regulated activity is proposed
Square Feet of Area
Less than 1,000
1,000 to 5,000
More than 5,000
Schedule B
For the purpose of calculating the map amendment petition fee, linear feet in Schedule B is the total length of wetlands and watercourses boundary subject to the proposed boundary change
Linear Feet
Less than 500
500 to 1,000
More than 1,000
   (B)   Fees shall be payable at the time an application is submitted, except as otherwise provided.
(Ord. passed 6-4-1988; Ord. passed 3-30-1989; Ord. passed 1-18-1995; Ord. passed 11-9-2001; Ord. passed 2-23-2003; Ord. passed 2-10-2004; Ord. passed 11-17-2004; Ord. passed 5-16-2007; Ord. passed 6-19-2008; Ord. effective 7-1-2011)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 16, page 213; TM Volume 16, page 353, amended; TM Volume 21, page 6, Amended; TM Volume 21, page 626, Amended; TM Volume 22, page 113, Amended; TM Volume 22, page 247; TM Volume 22, page 345, Amended fees; TM Volume 22, page 455; Amended; TM Volume 22, page 674, Amended; TM Volume 22, page 789, Amended
   TM Volume 21, page 2