7.3.   Annual Budget (Automatic Referendum)
      The annual budget meeting shall be limited to a public presentation of the town of East Lyme Budget by the Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen and Board of Education with an opportunity for public participation by comments and questions. After reasonable discussion, the moderator shall adjourn the meeting to a referendum on the voting machines. The budget resolution will be submitted to the persons qualified to vote in a town meeting by referendum by machine vote which shall take place on the Thursday in May which is ten days after the annual budget meeting. At least five (5) days prior to such referendum, the Board of Selectmen shall publish on the Town’s website and in accordance with state statute, a notice of such referendum, setting forth the date on which, the hours during which, and the location at which the referendum will be held and the text of the questions as they will appear on the voting machines.
   The text shall provide for approval/disapproval of the Budget of the Town of East Lyme.
   1.   Shall the budget for the fiscal year July 1, ______ to June 30, ______as recommended by the Board of Finance be adopted.
         Yes          No
   Should the budget fail to be approved by a majority of those voting thereon, the Board of Finance shall forthwith revise estimated expenditures, without altering estimates of revenue except for omissions, clerical errors, or revisions of revenue to be received from the state, to arrive at revised spending levels and automatically submit the revised budget to a referendum 14 days following the date the initial budget referendum was defeated. The Board of Finance shall hold at least one (1) public hearing upon five (5) days legal notice prior to submitting the revised budget for consideration. This process shall be repeated at two (2) week succeeding intervals until such time as the budget is adopted.
   In the event said budget is not adopted by the third Wednesday in June, business shall be conducted in accordance with Section 7-405 and 12-123 of the General Statutes, as amended.