(a)   Proclamation.  The Mayor may in times of public emergency or when existing circumstances or state of facts present imminent and substantial danger of bodily harm to large numbers of people or widespread destruction of property, or both, including, but not limited to natural disorders caused by an act of God, explosions, fires, tumult, disorder, diffusing explosive vapors, diffusing dangerous chemicals, or liquids, civil emergency, power failures, or aircraft accidents, proclaim in writing a state of emergency.  The Mayor shall then issue notice of a special meeting of Council to be held within twenty-four hours of the time of the proclamation.
   (b)   Prohibitions.  As part of such proclamation issued pursuant to subsection (a) hereof, or by subsequent written order after such proclamation is issued, the Mayor may, in his discretion as he deems necessary for the public safety:
      (1)   Delineate the boundaries of any area threatened by emergency condition and restrict or prohibit any person from entering such area, except when such person is carrying on necessary and legitimate pursuits; and control and regulate movement within and from such area;
      (2)   Establish a curfew within such area and provide regulation therefor and prohibit any person from being out-of-doors during such curfew;
      (3)   Prohibit the sale, offering for sale, dispensing and regulate or control the transportation of firearms and other deadly weapons, ammunition, dynamite and other dangerous explosives, incendiary devices and any necessary ingredient thereof;
      (4)   Prohibit the sale, offering for sale, or dispensing of intoxicating liquors.
   (c)   Repeal of Proclamation.  When the emergency has ended the Mayor or Council shall forthwith make a proclamation that the emergency has ended and any proclamation, order or regulation issued pursuant to this section shall then become void.
(Ord. 49, 1970.)
   (d)   Misdemeanor Classification.  Whosoever violates any prohibition contained in or knowingly and willfully fails to perform any duties required by proclamation, order or regulation issued under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.