No owner or operator of any motor vehicle shall park or permit to be parked such vehicle that exceeds a gross weight of five tons on any municipal street or alley, provided, any vehicle, exceeding the limit contained herein may temporarily park on any municipal street or alley if any of the following conditions exists:
   (a)   The vehicle exceeding such weight limit is parked on a state or federal highway.
   (b)   The vehicle has made a delivery or is making a delivery to an address wherein weight limits imposed herein apply.
   (c)   The vehicle is parked at the owner’s or operator’s principal place of business, and the business address is for commercial or manufacturing purposes.
   (d)   Continuous operation or running of the internal combustion engine of a commercial tractor or truck during stop for loading and unloading is prohibited except where such operation is necessary for any power take-offs or refrigeration equipment.  For purposes of this section, “commercial tractor or truck” means every motor vehicle designed and used to carry property and having two or more axles.
      (Ord. 51, 2004.  Passed 9-7-04.)