(a) Vacant commercial and industrial building registration fees shall be reasonably related to the administrative costs of the vacant commercial and industrial building registration process for the costs incurred by the City in monitoring the vacant commercial and industrial building site. The annual increases in registration fee amounts shall be reasonably related to the costs incurred by the City for hazard abatement, repair, and/or demolition of vacant commercial and industrial buildings in addition to the administrative costs. Money collected under this section shall be used exclusively for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
(b) The annual registration fee for a vacant commercial or industrial building shall be based on the duration of time the building has been vacant regardless of a change in ownership. The owner of a vacant commercial or industrial building shall pay an annual registration fee of four hundred dollars ($400.00) for the first year the building remains vacant. The annual registration fee shall be assessed at a maximum annual registration fee equaling the five (5) year registration fee of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) which shall be the registration fee for the fifth and all consecutive subsequent years of vacancy.
(c) The registration fee shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of any building permits. The Fire Chief shall refund the vacant commercial or industrial building registration fee paid if the subject building is brought into compliance with standards of the Ohio Building Code and reoccupied within one year of payment of the annual registration fee. The refund shall be for the amount of the registration fee paid during the year in which the building was approved for re-occupancy. Registration fees paid in previous years shall not be refunded.
(d) If a registration form is filed late, an additional registration fee shall be paid in addition to the annual registration fee and shall be equal to the annual registration fee or one thousand dollars ($1,000), whichever is less.
(e) All delinquent registration fees shall be paid by the owner prior to any transferof an ownership interest in the vacant commercial or industrial building.
(f) If an owner or person in control of a vacant or industrial building or a purchaser fails, neglects, or refuses to pay a registration fee within the time ordered pursuant to this section then the Fire Chief shall notify the City Auditor. The City Auditor shall certify the registration fee to the County Auditor. In addition to the registration fee, the interest rate equal to the current rate of interest charged by the City on Special Assessments shall be imposed by the City for the life of the registration fee, added to the registration fee, and collected as provided in this section. The City Auditor shall then certify the amount of the registration fee, including interest, to the Columbiana County Auditor. The Columbiana County Auditor shall enter the amount on the tax duplicate of the County as a special assessment against the person's real estate that is subject to the registration fee. (Ord. 67, 2016. Passed 10-3-16.)