(a)   Purpose.  This district is intended to provide for the development of business, office and commercial establishments within a unified commercial area and plan of development.  Within this district, business, office and commercial establishments can be flexibly located to achieve compatible exterior physical design, to utilize the site more efficiently than allowed by standard zoning regulations, to take advantage of natural features of the site, to achieve a higher degree of pedestrian and vehicular separation, to eliminate undesirable features of strip commercial development, to reduce vehicular traffic conflicts within the site and with public rights-of-way, and to enhance compatibility of the development with its surroundings.
   (b)   B-PUD Permitted and Special Uses.
      (1)   The following listed uses are included as permitted and accessory uses in the B-PUD Zoning District: convention, conference and banquet facilities; and those uses included as permitted and accessory uses in the B-1, B-2, zoning districts.  One or more of these permitted and accessory uses may be excluded from the specific B-PUD when the City Council determines that the specific permitted or accessory use is inappropriate for the specific B-PUD development.  Such exclusion(s) shall be based upon at least one of the following findings that the specific excluded use:
         A.   Cannot be serviced by adequate public utilities; or presents the potential for significant environmental damage and a satisfactory plan of mitigation has not been provided by the applicant; or is inconsistent with the overall character and other uses of the proposed PUD; or is inappropriate for the topography of the site; or is incompatible with surrounding legal land uses or other approved land uses; or is inconsistent with the City’s land use plan or other approved plans of the City; or will create hazardous traffic conditions; or will impose an unmitigated burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection; and
         B.   Will not promote the purpose and objectives of the planned unit development provisions of this code; and
         C.   Does not advance the general welfare of the community and the immediate vicinity and will adversely affect or impact adjoining or surrounding development without satisfactory mitigation measures.
      (2)   Upon approval by City Council in accordance with Section 1154.09(b) and the issuance of a special use permit, those uses included as special uses in the following listed zoning districts are allowed in a B-PUD: B1, and B2.
   (c)   Land Use Intensity.  For B-PUD developments, the maximum land use intensity and lot coverage by all buildings and by buildings and all other impervious surfaces is as follows:
         Maximum Coverage by All Buildings: 35%
         Maximum Cover by All Buildings and Impervious Surfaces: 75%
   (d)   Building Height.  The maximum height of any building in a B-PUD District shall be 50 feet, except, at the discretion of the City Council, the maximum height may be increased which such increase is determined to improve site design and the overall aesthetic quality of the development, does not adversely affect surrounding neighborhoods and public facilities, does not obscure light and air sources to immediately surrounding structures, and satisfies applicable fire and safety regulations.
   (e)   (1)   Requirements for Screening, Accessory Parking, and Loading and Unloading Areas.  All screening and buffering shall meet the requirements of Section 1127.02(a), accessory parking and shall meet the requirements of Section 1127.08-12, and loading and unloading areas shall meet the requirements of Section 1127.03-07.  Upon approval of the City Council, any of these requirements may be modified, provided that such modification will increase benefits to the community that are derived from development, will improve site design, will not adversely affect surrounding neighborhoods and public facilities, and the purpose of such modification is not to circumvent the intent of the respective section.
      (2)   Any commercial development proposed to be located within 1,000 feet of any existing or proposed residential district or project shall present and implement plans for providing a barrier from noise generated by the activities of the commercial development.  These activities include but are not limited to loading dock and delivery activities, truck movements, idling and parking, waste collection, compactor or shredding activities; roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment, and parking lots and driveways.  Methods, which may be utilized, include earthen mounding, solid masonry walls, permanent engineered sound barriers, or other methods or materials of equal affect as those listed above.
   (f)   Signs.  In conjunction with and at the same time as submission of a specific site plan application, applicants may submit a proposed sign limitation and control package specifically fashioned for the PUD development.
   (g)   Landscaping and Screening.  See Section 1127.02(a).
(Ord. 46, 2015.  Passed 9-8-15.)