(a)   "Water and Sewer Department Official" or "official", within this section means members of the City Board of Public Utilities, and the Water and Sewer Department heads.
   "Act or omission" within this section means an act or failure to act while conducting the business of the City Board of Public Utilities while an official in the Water or Sewer Departments.
   (b)   No official shall be protected by this section if the official is charged, accused or sued for theft in office, or fraud.
   (c)   Each Water and Sewer Department official shall be entitled to paid legal fees up to and including five thousand dollars ($5,000) for legal representation when the official is sued for an act or omission and the official has been sued individually.
   (d)   Each Water and Sewer Department official who is sued shall submit a copy of the complaint to the Claims Committee of Council which shall determine if the complaint qualifies the submitting official for legal fees.
   (e)   Upon a finding that the submitting official is covered by this section the Claims Committee shall introduce a resolution to Council to pay legal fees in accordance to this section.
(Ord. 42, 1986.  Passed 11-17-86.)