(a) General Requirements.
(1) Plumbing systems shall be maintained in sanitary and serviceable condition.
(2) Plumbing systems shall be maintained so as not to weaken structural members or cause damage or deterioration to any part of the building through fixture usage.
(b) Water Supply.
(1) Potable water from an approved source shall be available at all times in residential buildings. The domestic water supply system of the building shall be connected to such approved source, and shall not be subject to contamination. When supplied from a public source, the potable water supply system shall not be connected to private or unsafe water supplies.
(2) Water supply systems shall be installed and maintained so as to provide at all times a supply of water to plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances in sufficient volume and at pressure adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily and without undue noise under all normal conditions of use.
(3) Water supply systems shall be installed and maintained so that water used for purposes of cooling or heating shall not be reintroduced into the domestic water supply system nor be distributed through such equipment to plumbing fixtures.
(4) Hot Water supply systems shall be provided with safety devices arranged to relieve hazardous pressures and excessive temperatures.
(Ord. 37, 1967.)
(c) Sewage Drainage System.
(1) Plumbing fixtures shall be drained to a sewage drainage system and such system shall be connected to a public sewer or to an adequate and approved system of sewage disposal.
(2) Where a public sewer is not available, a system shall be provided to receive and dispose of sewage without health hazard or nuisance.
(3) Sewage or other waste which may be deleterious to surface or subsurface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or into a waterway unless it has first been rendered harmless through subjection to treatment in conformity with generally accepted standards.
(4) Substances which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes of their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process, shall not be discharged into the building drainage system unless it is provided with approved devices suitable for intercepting such substances.
(5) Each fixture directly connected to the sewage drainage system shall be equipped with a water seal trap.
(6) Adequate cleanouts shall be provided and maintained so that the pipes may be readily cleaned.
(7) The drainage system and its attendant vent piping shall be maintained so as to provide adequate circulation of air in all pipes in order that siphonage, aspiration or pressure will not cause a loss of trap seal under ordinary conditions of use.
(8) Each vent terminal to the outer air shall be installed and maintained so as to minimize the possibilities of clogging, frost closure, the return of foul air to the building or the creation of a nuisance to adjacent premises.
(9) Drains provided for fixtures, devices, appliances or apparatus containing food, water, sterile goods or similar materials shall be equipped with air breaks, adequate to prevent contamination of such contents from any possible backup of sewage through the direct or indirect drainage piping.
(10) Notwithstanding the exemption of Ohio Administrative Code 4101:2-51-24, grease interceptors shall be required on the discharge from kitchen pot sinks in business buildings, industrial buildings, institutional buildings, school buildings and places of assembly. Grease interceptors where installed for food processing areas and similar areas shall be placed as near as possible to the fixture from which the discharge is received. Where possible, grease interceptors shall be installed in a space separate from the food processing area to facilitate cleaning. Grease interceptors shall not receive any wastes from discharge of any food waste grinder. Grease interceptors shall be of a type that can be cleaned in a short period of time without removing any parts of the unit which would limit its usefulness during cleaning.
(Ord. 43, 1976.)
(d) Storm Drainage.
(1) Roofs and paved areas, including yards and courts, shall be drained. Storm drainage shall be conveyed to an adequate and approved system of storm water disposal where available. Storm drains shall be discharged in such manner that will not flow onto sidewalks.
(2) Where a drainage system may be subject to backwater, suitable provision shall be made to prevent its overflow into the building.
(3) Leaders and gutters, if used, shall be constructed of noncombustible material, except that wood leaders and gutters may be used for buildings not more than three stories high.
(Ord. 37, 1967.)
(e) Plumbing Facilities.
(1) Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with water heating facilities which are installed in an approved manner, properly maintained and properly connected with hot water lines to the fixtures required to be supplied with hot water. Water heating facilities shall be capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub, shower and laundry facility or other similar units, at a temperature of not less than 130 degrees Fahrenheit at any time needed.
(2) There shall be provided within each dwelling unit, plumbing fixtures consisting of at least one kitchen sink, one water closet, one bathtub or shower and one lavatory.
(3) Urinals may be substituted in men's toilet rooms for not more than one- third of the required number of water closets.
(4) Privies, privy vaults and outhouses shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 59, 1969.)
(f) Plumbing Fixtures.
(1) Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth nonabsorbent material and shall be free from concealed fouling surfaces.
(2) Plumbing fixtures shall be so spaced as to be reasonably accessible for their intended use.
(3) Plumbing fixtures shall be located in spaces that are accessible, lighted and ventilated.
(g) Swimming Pools.
(1) Water supply used for filling or for cleaning of the pool shall be clean. Water supply shall be protected against potential pollution from all sources, including cross-connection and backflow.
(2) Drains shall be provided so that the pool can be safely and adequately drained. Drains shall be provided in floors surrounding the swimming pool and arranged so that water from such areas will drain without entering the pool.
(3) Filtering, sterilizing and auxiliary equipment, where required shall be adequate to maintain the sanitary quality of water during each period the pool is in use. Equipment containing gases or disinfectants capable of giving off irritating, toxic or flammable fumes shall be located in ventilated rooms.
(4) The installation shall be arranged and maintained to prevent dirt, sand or other foreign matter from entering the bathing area.
(h) Water Supply Tanks.
(1) Water supply tanks shall be installed and maintained so as to be watertight, verminproof, rodentproof, resistant to corrosion and capable of withstanding the working pressures under normal operation.
(2) Supports for tanks shall be of noncombustible construction.
(3) Tanks and their supports shall not be used to support equipment or structures other than for tank use, except where specially designed for such other use.
(4) Means for emptying water supply tanks shall be provided and maintained in proper working condition.
(5) Potable water supply tanks for domestic supply and standpipe or automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed and maintained to furnish water in sufficient quantity and pressure for such systems.
(Ord. 37, 1967.)