(a)   Height.  Nonhabitable space, except crawl spaces and attics, in multiple dwellings shall have a minimum height of seven feet measured from floor to ceiling.
   (b)   Toilet Rooms and Bathrooms.
      (1)   Toilet rooms and bathrooms in one and two-family dwellings shall have provisions for privacy.
      (2)   Toilet rooms and bathrooms for dwelling units in multiple dwellings shall be located within the dwelling units and shall be accessible from any sleeping room without passing through any other sleeping room.
      (3)   Unless located within dwelling units or directly connected with sleeping rooms, toilet rooms and bathrooms in multiple dwellings shall be provided in each story containing habitable space, and shall be accessible thereto.
      (4)   Toilet rooms for employees in multiple dwellings shall be in separate rooms for each sex where there are five or more employees, shall be readily accessible to such employees and shall not open directly into any public kitchen or other public space used for the cooking or preparation of food.
      (5)   In one and two-family dwellings, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with floors of moisture resistant material.
      (6)   In multiple dwellings, floors of bathrooms, toilet rooms and similar spaces shall be waterproof.  Such waterproofing shall extend six inches or more above floors except at doors, so that floors can be flushed or washed without leaking.
   (c)   Light and Ventilation.
      (1)   Kitchenettes, bathrooms, and toilet rooms shall be provided with artificial light appropriate for the use of such rooms.
      (2)   Laundry rooms, furnace rooms and similar nonhabitable space shall be provided with artificial light appropriate for the intended use of such rooms.
      (3)   Stairs shall be provided with artificial light to allow safe ascent or descent.
      (4)   Kitchenettes, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with either of the following natural ventilation as required for habitable space, except that such  openable areas shall not be less than one and one-half square feet for bathrooms or toilet rooms and not less than three square feet for kitchenettes; or mechanical ventilation exhausting not less than twenty-five cubic feet per minute for bathrooms and toilet rooms and not less than 100 cubic feet per minute for kitchenettes.
      (5)   Spaces in multiple dwellings which contain central heat producing, air conditioning and other equipment shall be ventilated to the outer air, and air from these spaces shall not be recirculated to other parts of the building.
      (6)   Ventilation shall be provided in unheated attics, spaces below flat roofs and crawl spaces.  Location and net areas of ventilation opening shall be such as to minimize deterioration of structural members from condensation or other causes, in conformity with generally accepted standards.