1313.01  PLAN.
   The City Engineer shall prepare and maintain a plat for the numbering of houses upon streets of the City, upon what is known as the Philadelphia Plan of numbering houses.  The numbering shall start with the number 100 upon the streets running from the Ohio River in a northerly direction, and the numbers shall increase northwardly from the Ohio River.  Such numbers shall start with the number 100 at Market Street and Dresen Avenue increasing eastwardly and westwardly therefrom, with the even numbers on the east side and the odd numbers on the west side of the streets running northwardly and southwardly, and with the even numbers on the south side and the odd numbers on the north side of the streets running eastwardly and westwardly.
   One whole number shall be allowed to every twenty feet of ground, whether occupied or vacant.  Any house or building with less frontage than twenty feet shall receive a whole number, and when the vacant lot shall be occupied, the building located thereon shall have the number which was assigned to the lot.
(1967 Code 1313.01)