(a) No person shall demolish any structure or exterior architectural feature until there has been filed with the Review Board an application for a certificate of appropriateness setting forth the intent to demolish such structure or exterior architectural feature together with a written statement that such structure or exterior architectural feature is not historically or architecturally significant or otherwise worthy of preservation. Upon determination by the Review Board that such property or exterior architectural feature is not historically or architecturally significant or otherwise worthy of preservation, due to projected development of the community, a certificate of appropriateness shall be issued. The applicant shall then apply for a permit to demolish the structure or exterior architectural feature.
(b) If the necessary demolition is questionable, the Review Board may delay determination of the application for a period of 180 days upon a finding that the structure is of such importance that alternatives to demolition may be feasible and should be actively pursued by both the applicant and the Review Board. In the event that action on an application is delayed as provided herein, the Review Board may take such steps as it deems necessary to preserve the property concerned, in accordance with the purposes of this chapter. Such steps may include but shall not be limited to, certification of a registered professional engineer that the structure of a building is unsound or would need major reinforcement to be brought under Building Code structural requirements, considering a use that the building would reasonably lend itself to; consultation with civic groups, public agencies and interested residents; recommendations for acquisition of property by public or private bodies or agencies; and exploration of the possibility to move one or more structures or other features.
(Ord. 19, 1989. Passed 4-3-89.)