(a)   Recreational Areas, Etc.  consideration shall be given to the allocation of areas suitably located and of adequate size for playgrounds, school sites, parks and other outdoor recreational facilities as indicated on the East Liverpool Master Plan and to be made available by one of the following methods:
      (1)   Dedication to public agency having jurisdiction.
      (2)   Reservation of land for the use of property owners by deed or covenants.
      (3)   Reservation for acquisition by a public agency within a period of five years.  Such reservation shall be made in such a manner as to provide for a release of the land to the subdivider in the event no public agency proceeds with the purchase.
   (b)   Cultural Areas, Etc.  Due regard shall be given to the preservation of outstanding cultural, historic or natural features such as scenic spots, watercourses or exceptionally fine groves of trees.  Dedication to and acceptance by a public agency is usually the best means of assuring their preservation.
   (c)   Easement Along Streams.  Whenever any stream or important surface drainage course is located within the area being subdivided, the proper authority shall provide a permanent easement of sufficient width dedicated to the proper authority for the purpose of widening, deepening, relocating, improving or protecting the stream for drainage or public use.
   (d)   Land Subject to Flooding or Containing Poor Drainage Facilities.  As a safety measure for the protection of the health and welfare of the people of the City, Council shall reserve the right to disapprove any subdivision which is subject to periodic flooding, contains extremely poor drainage facilities or has other physical impairment.  However, if the subdivider agrees to make such improvements as will make the area completely safe for residential occupancy, provided that in lieu of the improvements the subdivider shall furnish a surety bond or a certified check covering the cost of the required improvements, the subdivision may be approved, subject, however, to the approval of the appropriate Board of Health, Conservancy District and the City Engineer.