The following regulations, conditions and procedures shall apply to the development of groups of properties for integrated office, research and restricted industrial uses in "B-3" and "M- 1" Districts:
   (a)   General Provisions.
      (1)   The owner of a tract of land located in any "B-3" or "M-1" District near where a proposed office, research or restricted industrial area is shown on the future Land Use Plan, containing not less than four acres, shall submit to the Planning Commission for its review a preliminary plan for the use and development of such tract of land for office, research or industrial uses permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.  The Planning Commission shall review the proposal and make recommendations on it to Council.
      (2)   In accepting such plan for review, the Commission must be satisfied that the proponents of the office, research or industrial development or combination thereof are financially able to carry out the proposed project; that they intend to start construction within one year of the approval of the project and intend to complete it within a reasonable time as determined by the Commission.
   (b)   Location and Character of Development.
      (1)   The proposed office, research or restricted industrial development or combination thereof shall be located so that reasonably direct traffic access is supplied from principal thoroughfares and where congestion will not likely be created by the proposed development; or where such congestion will be alleviated by presently projected improvements of access thoroughfares, by demonstrable provision in the plan for proper entrances and exits, and by internal provisions for traffic and parking.
      (2)   The plan shall provide for an office, research or industrial development or a combination thereof consisting of one or more buildings of integrated and harmonious design, together with adequate and properly arranged traffic and parking facilities and landscaping which will be an attractive development and which will fit harmoniously into and will have no adverse effects upon the adjoining or surrounding development.
   (c)   Permitted Uses.  The uses permitted in "B-3" and "M-1" Districts shall be those offices and research buildings and restricted industrial and related uses listed in Chapter 1123.
   (d)   Regulations.  The following regulations shall apply to office, research and restricted industrial developments in "B-3" and "M-1" Districts:
      (1)   Building heights.  No building shall exceed three stories or forty-five feet in height, except as modified by Section 1125.05 of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   Yards.  No building shall be less than thirty feet distant from any boundary of the tract on which the office, research or industrial development is located.  Loading and storage shall be permanently screened from all adjoining properties located in any "R" District by building walls, or a solid wall or compact evergreen hedge at least six feet in height.  All intervening spaces between the street pavement and the right-of-way line and intervening spaces between buildings, drives, parking areas and improved areas shall be landscaped with trees and plantings and properly maintained at all times.
      (3)   Tract coverage.  The ground area occupied by all the buildings shall not exceed in aggregate thirty percent of the total area of the lot or tract.
      (4)   Parking space.  Notwithstanding any other requirements of this Zoning Ordinance there shall be provided one off-street space for each two employees on the maximum working shift.  Parking areas will not be located closer than twenty-five feet to any adjoining lot line in any "R" or "B" District and shall be set back at least thirty feet from the street right-of- way line.  The parking area shall be graded for proper drainage and improved so as to provide a durable and dust-free surface.
      (5)   Loading space.  Notwithstanding any other requirements of this Zoning Ordinance there shall be provided off-street loading or unloading space sufficient in area and vertical clearance to accommodate the maximum number of trucks and tractor-trailers anticipated at any one time.
      (6)   Access drives and illumination of parking areas.  Access drives shall be at a minimum interval of 300 feet and illumination of parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in any "R" District.
      (7)   Signs.  Signs for office, research and industrial developments shall be limited to wall-type signs on the principal building except that a small free- standing identification and directional sign not over fifteen square feet in area may be erected at entrances to the office, research and industrial development.  If signs are illuminated, the source of light shall not be visible.
   (e)   Submission and Approval of Final Development Plan. 
      (1)   Upon determination by the Commission that the proposed office, research or industrial development, as shown by the preliminary plan, appears to conform to the requirements of this section and all other applicable requirements of this Zoning Ordinance, the proponents shall prepare and submit a final development plan, which plan shall incorporate any changes or modifications required or suggested by the Commission.
      (2)   If the final development plan is found to comply with requirements set forth in this section and other applicable provisions of this Zoning Ordinance the Commission shall submit such plan with its report and recommendations, together with the required application for a zoning certificate to Council, which shall hold a public hearing on the proposed development plan.
      (3)   Following a public hearing, Council may modify the plan, consistent with the intent and meaning of this Zoning Ordinance and authorize the issuance of a zoning certificate.
      (4)   After the final development plan has been approved by Council and in the course of carrying out this plan, adjustment or rearrangements of buildings, parking areas, entrances, heights or yards may be requested by the proponents, and, provided such requests conform to the standards established by the final development plan and this Zoning Ordinance, such adjustments or rearrangements may be authorized by the Commission.