(a)   General Requirements.  In all districts, in connection with every industrial, business, institutional, recreational, residential or other use, there shall be provided, at any time any building or structure is erected or is enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces for automobiles in accordance with the following requirements:
      (1)   Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet, exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition.
      (2)   There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces.  Where a lot does abut on a public or private alley or easement of access, there shall be provided an access drive not less than eight feet in width in the case of a dwelling, and not less than eighteen feet in width in all other cases, leading to the parking or storage areas or loading or unloading spaces required hereunder.
   (b)   Number of Spaces Required.  The number of off-street parking spaces to be provided shall not be less than the following:
Parking Spaces Required
One-family units
1 for each dwelling.
Two family, multiple dwellings and mobile homes.
1-1/2 for each dwelling unit.
Rooming or boarding house, tourist home, hotel or motel or dormitory
1 for each sleeping room or suite.
Private club, golf club or lodge
1 for each 5 members.
Church or temple
1 for each 5 seats in main auditorium.
School (except high school or college)
1 for each 10 seats in auditorium or main assembly room, or 1 for each classroom, whichever is greater.
College or high school
1 for each 8 seats in main auditorium or 3 for each classroom, whichever is greater.
Community center, library, museum or art gallery
10 plus 1 additional for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet.
Commercial golf course
40 for each 9 holes plus 1 for each employee.
Hospital, sanitarium, convalescent home, home for the aged, or similar institution.
1 for each 3 beds.
Theater or auditorium (except school auditorium), sports arena stadium or gymnasium
1 for each 5 seats or each 10 lineal feet of bench seating spaces.
Bowling alley
5 for each lane; plus 1 additional space for each 200 square feet of area used for eating, drinking or other recreation.
Mortuary or funeral home
1 for each 50 square feet of floor space in slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms.
Personal or professional services restaurants, night clubs, cafes or similar recreation or amusement establishments, dance halls, assembly or exhibition halls without fixed seats.
1 for each 100 square feet of floor area.
Retail business or business service establishment except as otherwise specified herein.
1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 for each 2 employees on the maximum work shift.
Furniture or appliance store, hardware store, wholesale establishments, machinery or equipment sales and service.
2 plus 1 additional for each 200 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet.
Printing or plumbing shop or similar service establishment.
1 for each 2 persons employed therein.
Manufacturing or industrial establishment, research or testing laboratory, dairy processing, bakery, bottling plant, warehouse or similar establishment.
1 for each 2 employees on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith.  (Ord. 14, 1967.)
Public sponsored housing
Minimum - 1 for each five dwelling units.  (Ord. 10, 1968.)
   (c)   Interpretation.  The following rules shall govern the determination of spaces required:
      (1)   "Floor area" means the gross floor area of the specified use.
      (2)   Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
      (3)   The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
      (4)   Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 14, 1967, passed May 22, 1967) is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, to create a need for an increase of ten percent or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.  Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance is enlarged to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more in floor area or in the area used, such building or use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
         (Ord. 14, 1967.)
   (d)   Exceptions for Central Business District.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Central Business District Section1121.04 (e) as shown on the Zoning District Map.
(Ord. 24, 1968.)