(a)   "Mobile home" means a movable structure originally designed for living quarters requiring permanent connections to gas, electric, sewer and water facilities for use.  Such structure shall remain a "mobile home" even if it is placed on a solid foundation.
   (b)   "Recreational trailer" means any of the following:
      (1)   "Travel trailer" means a vehicular portable structure built on a chassis, not exceeding a gross weight of 5,000 pounds when factory equipped for the road, nor exceeding thirty-five feet in length, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacational uses.
      (2)   "Pickup camper" means a structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pick-up or truck chassis with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel and vacational uses.
      (3)   "Motorized home" means a portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
      (4)   "Folding tent trailer" means a canvas, metal or plastic folding structure mounted on wheels and designed for travel and vacational uses.
      (5)   "Boats" and "boat trailers" includes boats, floats and rafts, plus the normal equipment to transport the same on the highway.
      (6)   "Utility trailer" means a structure built on a chassis on wheels for the purpose of hauling goods and equipment.
   (c)   "Construction trailer" means any type of trailer used for purposes of business, materials storage, operations center, headquarters office or other uses pertinent to a construction project.
   (d)   "Mobile home parks" means an area manifestly designed to accommodate mobile homes in a safe, sanitary and desirable manner as described in Section 1129.02.
   (e)   "Mobile home subdivision" means a subdivision designed and intended for residential use where residence is in mobile homes exclusively and including a minimum area of five acres, and further being subject to all the requirements or subdivision regulations now in force or hereafter adopted by the City.
(Ord. 45, 1976.)