(a)   Connection Permit.  Before any connection is made to any storm sewer constructed in whole or in part by the City, a permit shall be secured from the Service-Safety Director by the person desiring to make such connection.
(1967 Code 929.04)
   (b)   Application For Permit; Fee.  Application for a permit to connect to the storm sewer shall be made in writing by the owner of the property to be drained or by an authorized agent of the owner of such property.
   Such application shall give the precise and definite location of the property, the number of the lot, the name of the owner and the name of the person employed to do the work, and it shall be filed in the office of the Service-Safety Director at least twenty-four hours previous to the opening of the trench or the commencing of the work.  No permit shall be deemed to authorize anything not stated in the application.
   A fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be charged for a permit for such connection to the sewer and such fee shall be paid into the City Treasury to the credit of the General Fund.
(1967 Code 929.05)
   (c)   Removal of Improper Connections.  The connection to a storm sewer shall be made in accordance with specifications established by the Service-Safety Director.  Any person who makes an improper connection to a storm water sewer shall remove such connection when ordered to do so by the Director.  On failure to comply with such order within ten days, it shall be the duty of the Director to cause such connection to be removed and the expense thereby incurred shall be paid by the offending person and in default of such payment for a period of ten days, such expense shall be certified to the County Auditor to be assessed against the property for which the connection was made.
(1969 Code 929.07)