In the event the street or public ground to be opened or dug has a concrete surface at the point of opening then the following regulations and specifications shall apply:
   (a)   All openings shall be rectangular in shape.
   (b)   All pavement removal shall be accomplished by sawing the concrete to its full depth.
   (c)   The area of concrete so removed shall be in all cases one foot larger than the excavation, allowing for a one foot shelf around the perimeter of the excavation, to act as support for the repaving.
   (d)   The repaving shall consist of Class D concrete, conforming in all respects to the current specification of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation, entitled "Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement."  There shall be placed in the lower one-third of the slab, reinforcing bars size number 4, laid on six inch centers in both directions extending from edge to edge of the pavement being replaced.  Particular attention shall be given to the method and duration of curing, and to the protection of concrete during the cold weather.
   (e)   If any excavating required the removal of any joints in the exiting pavement, the City Engineer shall designate the manner of replacement.
   (f)   All work done under this section shall be done only in the presence of an inspector from the office of the City Engineer who shall check compliance with this section and the other sections of this chapter.
   (g)   The City Engineer shall provide all specifications for materials and all procedural specifications to govern any work contemplated by this chapter.  Unless otherwise specified herein, all specifications shall be in accordance with the Ohio Department of Transportation's current Materials and Specifications Manual.  The City Engineer may provide alternative specifications for temporary work where weather conditions or other factors prohibit the completion of such work in accordance with the aforementioned specifications.
   (h)   All openings made under this section shall be covered, resurfaced and opened for travel within seven days from the date of opening.  In the event of failure to comply with this subsection an additional charge of ten dollars ($10.00) per day or part thereof shall be made against the permit holder.
      (Ord. 40, 1976.)