Council hereby establishes the following rules of decorum for attendance and public participation at City Council meetings during personal privilege:
   (a)   Personal privilege is a courtesy to be extended by Council by a motion, second and majority vote of the members present.
   (b)   Any resident of the City of East Liverpool or any person owning a business located within the City of East Liverpool may address Council during the personal privilege portion of regular Council meetings.
   (c)   Individuals may signify a desire to speak by addressing the chair or by raising their hand.  Once recognized, you may then approach the designated area which is the podium provided.
   (d)   After stating name and place of residence, the speaker will then have five (5) minutes to make comments.
   (e)   The president will inform you when you have one (1) minute remaining so you can wrap up your final comments.
   (f)   When time is up, you will be so informed and will be expected to depart to your seat.
   (g)   There will be no individual polling of Council members.  If a Council member, City officer or board member choose to respond, he/she may do so upon being recognized by the chair.
   (h)   Any issue or complaint which requires further research or input will be assigned to the appropriate board or committee.
   (i)   It is suggested that complaints be first directed to your ward councilperson or any at-large member prior to bringing it to the whole of Council.  This may avoid any unnecessary delays in resolving the problem at hand and give your elected representatives an opportunity to respond or direct you to the appropriate office or board.
   (j)   All gentlemen are asked to remove their hats.
   (k)   No unauthorized props or audiovisuals will be permitted to be used during Council meetings.
   (l)   Special presentations on a specific topic shall be pre-arranged with the President of Council and for a time not to exceed 15 minutes provided the subject is not an issue that would normally be discussed during the personal privilege portion of Council meetings.
   (m)   Any topic or concern taking up more than fifteen minutes of discussion due to a large number of people wishing to speak or is controversial in nature may be restricted at future meetings at the discretion of the President.
   (n)   Any individual who fails to comply with the rules shall be called out of order once.  Any subsequent infractions or disruptive behavior will result in removal of the offender from Council Chambers.  (Ord. 51, 1997.  Passed 10-22-97.)