Applications for owner's, distributor's and exhibitor's licenses shall be made to the Mayor on forms provided by him and shall include such information as he deems proper.  If the Mayor is satisfied that the applicant has complied with all the provisions of this and the following sections, and is otherwise eligible to be a licensee, he may issue the license.  If denied or revoked, exhibitor has within ten working days to appeal this decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   The Mayor is authorized and empowered to deny or revoke, for reasonable cause, applications for licenses.
   Application for an exhibitor's license shall, in particular, state the name, place of business and residence of the exhibitor, the number of mechanical or electrically operated amusement devices or music devices for which licenses are requested, the location of the premises and the particular room of the premises in which the device or devices on the premises are to be exhibited.  The exhibitor shall be required to furnish the Mayor the name of the owner of each such device.
   In the event the exhibitor is also the owner of such device, he shall file an affidavit with the Mayor setting forth that he is the actual bona-fide owner of same and that, as such owner, he receives all the benefits from the operation thereof and that no other person has any actual or beneficial interest therein, either directly or indirectly.  Any person who swears falsely in any affidavit required to be made under the terms of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalties provided therefor by State law.
(Ord. 58, 2004.  Passed 10-4-04.)