The territory of the City shall be divided into four wards, known as Wards One, Two, Three and Four.
   (a)   Ward One.  The boundaries of Ward One, also to be known as the First Ward, are hereby re-established as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northern bank of the Ohio River which is opposite and on the same course as and from Baggott Lane; then, northwest, along the west side of Baggott Lane, and continuing on a straight course to the eastern terminus of Fabian Way; then along the west side of Fabian Way to the intersection of Fabian Way and Eutaw Street; then west, along the south side of Eutaw Street to the southeast corner of the intersection of Eutaw Street and Maine Boulevard; then along the east side of Maine Boulevard to its point of intersection with Anderson Boulevard; then, north along the west side of Anderson Boulevard to its intersection with Park Way; then, south, along the east side of Park Way to its point of intersection with the East Liverpool City limits; then, in an easterly course following the currently established boundaries of the City limits to the northern bank of the Ohio River; then, west, along the northern bank of the Ohio River to the east side of a point on the northern bank of the Ohio River which is opposite and on the same course as and from Baggott Lane, and being the place of beginning.
   (b)   Ward Two.  The boundaries of Ward Two, also to be known as the Second Ward, are hereby re-established as follows:
Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lemon Street and St. Clair Avenue; then, south, along the east side of St. Clair Avenue to a point at its intersection with Broadway; then south, along the east side of Broadway to a point at its intersection with the Ohio River (Wharf); then, east with the northern bank of the Ohio River to a point opposite and on the same course as and from Baggott Lane; then, northwest along the west side of Baggott Lane and continuing on a straight course to the eastern terminus of Fabian Way; then along the west side of Fabian Way to the intersection of Fabian Way and Eutaw Street; then, west along the south side of Eutaw Street to the southeast intersection of Eutaw Street and Maine Boulevard; then along the east side of Maine Boulevard in a northerly direction to its point of intersection with Anderson Boulevard; then, north along the west side of Anderson Boulevard to its intersection with Lemon Street; then west along the north side of Lemon Street, to a point on the east side of St. Clair Avenue, and being the place of beginning.
   (c)   Ward Three.  The boundaries of Ward Three, also known as the Third Ward, are hereby re-established as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northern line of the East Liverpool City limits on the east side of Dresden Avenue and running south along such east side of Dresden Avenue to the intersection of Dresden Avenue and Webber Way; then west along the north side of Webber Way to the eastern boundary of that certain highway known as Ohio State Route Eleven; then, in a southwesterly direction following the east side of Ohio State Route Eleven to a point directly beneath the centerline of the Newell Bridge; then, south from such point with a line following the course of the Newell Bridge to the Ohio River; then, in an easterly direction with the northern bank of the Ohio River to a point on the east side of Broadway (Wharf); then, from such point, north, along the east side of Broadway to a point at its intersection with St. Clair Avenue; then, north, along the east side of St. Clair Avenue to the northeast corner of the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and Lemon Street; then, west along the north side of Lemon Street to the intersection of Lemon Street and Anderson Boulevard; then, following the west side of Anderson Boulevard to the northeast corner of the intersection of Anderson Boulevard and Park Way; then, north along the east side of Park Way to a point at intersection with the East Liverpool City limit; then, west following the City limits' boundary lines as they encompass those lands known as Thompson Park to Park Way; then following the course of the currently established boundaries of the City limits along Park Way to a point on the east side of Dresden Avenue on the northern line of the East Liverpool City limits and being the place of beginning.
   (d)   Ward Four.  The boundaries of Ward Four, also to be known as the Fourth Ward, are hereby re-established as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northern line of the East Liverpool City limits on the east side of Dresden Avenue and running south along such east side of Dresden Avenue to the intersection of Dresden Avenue and Webber Way; then, west along the north side of Webber Way to the eastern boundary of the certain highway known as Ohio State Route Eleven; then, in a southwesterly direction following the east side of Ohio State Route Eleven to a point directly beneath the centerline of the Newell Bridge; then, south from such point with a line following  the course of the Newell Bridge to the Ohio River; then in a westerly direction with the northern bank of the Ohio River to the intersection of the western boundary of the City limits with such northern bank of the Ohio River; then, north following the western boundary of the City limits to a point at the intersection of such western boundary with the northern boundary of such City limits; then, easterly following the course of the currently established boundaries of the City limits to a point on the east side of Dresden Avenue, and being the place of beginning.
      (Ord. 8, 1979.)